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Lock Window



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we have a confirm for closing the app or if closing multiple windows from the dashboard.  Doing so on each window is just getting in the way of the user and not the way we want to design things.  Re-opening the window if you did close it accidentally is very easy. Confirmations are supposed to only be done before doing destructive action, or something that takes a long time or would be hard to reverse.

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 I should have been more specific. 


 I set up MT with windows that I NEVER want to close. The basic layout.


 Of course , I may open additional windows as needed temporarily.


 But it's too easy to accidentally close one of the chart windows and then have to reload it , or restore from a recent backup to get it back to normal.


 I thought a simple window specific FLAG could be set to confirm closure, only on  those windows where you would never want to delete them.


 That would not get in anyones way, and would save the hassle of recreating  them.  Actually more user friendly, not less.

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I'm thinking instead of a confirmation for closing, could do a LOCK.  If set, then cannot close (or prompt to close?). Lock would be on the right side, just below the minimize, etc. buttons  when ribbon is shown.  Next to the Dashboard icon

 Basically thats what I was asking for. The gui placement of the 'lock' is not important. What's important is when you accidentally clock the close X, it warns you.  

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 Well, two things happen to me.  1) I accidentally close a window, then have to recall the type of formatting it had, and reload it.

2) I'm on the wrong window when typing a symbol and it overwrites the 'perm' symbol that's there. ES, $tick, whatever.

Don't see any downside to optionally (per window) asking if you really want to close/modify the symbol.  You can probably limit the query to just those two, as any other change would most likely be deliberate. 



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