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  1. I have the basic LL2 where you have the first best bid offer on the available exchanges, + I added the Arca book i can see it at IB TWS platform but not on MT. (I tried checking Total view - even though i dont have it, and tried to check the NYSE book, with no positive results)
  2. Hello Jerry, Using MT now with IB, I cna see the bidxask in the raw data updated correctly, however there is no data populated in the L2 window. when i switch the feed to Ameritrade It gets populated (I have acct's tin both) (on a different note, when installing MT for the first time i accidentally chose stockwatch, (where i dont have an acct, and it keep doing asking for user/pas son start up) i couldn't find a way to remove it.
  3. Hi jerry, A very long time QT user here. I'm using IB, is it possible to get a link for the beta please ? Thanks in advance
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