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Charts for stocks with low volume



Perhaps this is a support issue and I am merely overlooking a solution already included in MT, but I would like to have every trading day appear on my charts, even days when there is no volume. A simple dash at the last price level would be fine, preferably a different color than days with trading volume. On low volume stocks that I watch the charts appear scrunched up with fat candles. This throws things off a little bit for chart pattern recognition. 

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Here's the problem... MT on historical charts has no idea whether a day should or could have had trades or not. It just takes whatever sequence of dates (and prices) it is fed and shows it. To figure out whether a particular date is a trading day or not is a bit of a pain, especially when you go back more than just a hundred days or so. I just took a look at how other sources show it. Same problem. Example: http://www.google.com/finance?chdnp=1&chdd=1&chds=1&chdv=1&chvs=maximized&chdeh=0&chfdeh=0&chdet=1389819600000&chddm=13294&chls=IntervalBasedLine&q=OTCMKTS:PMFI&ntsp=0&ei=z9LlUvjvIYmW7AH3fw

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Thanks for the information. I can see how it is a lot of work on the software side. No worries,the missing days are more of a small inconvenience than a real problem, so I can live with it. Guess I got spoiled on Big Charts data. :) They left open space for every trading day so the weeks and months are the same length on the chart, even in the thinnest volume. Maybe I need to petition Google to send empty trading days with their data. :)


By the way, after using the MT beta for a week I am impressed. Thanks for all the hard work. 

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