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Everything posted by dafa321

  1. dafa321


    merlin\mb, thanks , I am sold and will try it out.
  2. dafa321


    MT team, looks like dxfeed a great addition feed, any one has comments or compare the dxfeed to IB/TD/Webull feed in the first 5 minutes during market open (9:30-9:35am EST)? currently I face data lag issues(TDA,etc) only occurs on the first 5 minutes during open. Thanks
  3. Mike, that's great news - dxfeed will be in MT. The 3D bubbles proportional to the traded volume, green/Red is ratio between how aggressive buyers/sellers. on the right side bar just Bid(green) and ask(orange) book with the accumulation.
  4. Mike, The chart I referred to dxfeed's bookmap, it's really helpful for trading: https://bookmap.dxfeed.com/
  5. Hi Mike, nice look chart, can the chart add optional table list price by volume , also maybe the size of shade in the chart reflect volume(see below example )?
  6. thanks, you are right, the feature is already there, MT has lots hidden gems😀
  7. For now ,need click each "x" to cancel one order(?), I meant have one button to cancel all selected orders at once to save the time .
  8. I opened a LITE account yesterday, let me know if you need info to implement it.
  9. Hi Jerry, Any plan to add IB Lite trade support soon(similar Fidelity trade support) ? it looks like IB Pro/IB lite account can easily swap between the two. As LIte has no good trade platform itself, for sure it will get more people to MT if supported.
  10. Any one else has the same issue this morning? "Fidelity joins the stampede to eliminate fees for online trading"
  11. Under Transactions panel, see if possible add : a (un)select all' button/Cancel checked orders beside "Open:" and add check box at the beginning of each order, this way can quick cancel the order(s)(instead click each of them). thanks,
  12. Hi Jerry, is any configure for the' chart' to use what time frame data( ie, current day data or ALL data,etc)? I noticed that 'chart' is not match the actual data(current day) , for example, the NGM smybol was added around 8:30am(CST) to MT pro , price open was 8.81 and gradually climb over 11, but the chart field shown opposite of this(ie, open at high then down)? also https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/NGM/ as reference
  13. Jerry and Team, Is there a way to disable the pop ups as they already shown in trade logs, sometime need to send multiple orders within seconds>? also is there a MT api plan for order entry or get steam quote(current http quote API is very limited). Thanks,
  14. Hi Jerry, Do you have list brokers which have conditional order in MT? specially I am interest in TDA/e-trade ( as I plan to choose one of them to open an account, both TDA and e-trade both become free trade brokers today)
  15. Jerry, any plan to add conditional order to Robinhood? ( it seems WeBull has conditional order)
  16. that's great, on par with TDA then, thanks
  17. Hi Jerry, How many symbols(maximum limit) Webulll can stream in MT? Thanks.
  18. thanks for the quick repose, it worked !
  19. Hi Jerry For CNU19 symbol( see the dettail in attached), @CNU19:SGX is not working on MT Do you know what need to be for it working on MT,thanks
  20. Current MT windows setting can't be saved/restore crossing virtual desktops(I have 8 V desktops for 3 monitors Windows 10 set up), whenever I start MT, I need to move the windows around the V desktop(take lots of time), if each MT can start on its own V desktop would be much convenience. maybe can follow what Google Chrome browser does, it allow run production version and Beta version on the same pc( installed in different folders) Thanks.
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