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Everything posted by mnewton

  1. Anyway of copy just the stocks in a portfolio as a comma delimited list to the clipboard?
  2. Would be handy to have total stock count somewhere on dashboard just as a note to clean up some portfolios
  3. mnewton

    slow today

    deleted a lot of alerts and cleaned up vivaldi extensions and the system has improved. The alerts window when shown took some time to fill the current last price.
  4. mnewton

    slow today

    seems to be getting worse but could win 10 updates just deleted a lot of alerts seems to be better . alerts were not filling with the current price.
  5. mnewton

    slow today

    Slow today with 295 symbols tracked and a lot of alerts. User objects over 2030
  6. On this error allow for a timeout say of 5 minutes and then continue. I dont really need to know that there was a data validation error.
  7. perfect great thanks just hard to find
  8. where si that ? can we put it on the context menu?
  9. have the option to lock all close X boxes on charts,portfolios when moving around charts sometimes hit the wrong part and close the chart pain in the neck to have to open a chart again and remember what symbol was on the chart. Unless ctrl z works on actions ?
  10. be able to band a group of charts mine 18 charts in 3 rows of 6 and then right mouse option to 'size to fit' evry time i upgrade windows 10 all my charts sizes get changed and it takes me a while to re do them and they never look that great all slightly different and not quite in the right place never have the time to adjust them all
  11. I have dual monitors that would give me 64 inches but the i need a larger desk for my 5 monitors i guess the next is to go up a level and add on top !
  12. I dont have any more room to make them wider may have to get some 32 inch monitors i guess
  13. when portfolio is pinned the stock name appears behind the pin and is hard to read would be better 1/2 inch to right.
  14. add column to alert log that has the price adjust box saves clicking and opening alert form and adjust from there, too many clicks.
  15. add columns short date and short time columns i.e 26th and 8.13am full date is too wide
  16. It would be helpful at some stage to have the option to show regular price alerts on the charts as when there are many alerts set and stock prices change rapidly it would be handy to see where alerts are set just by looking at the chart and not having to wade thru all alerts and numerically checking values.
  17. Maybe to have the option on an alert to show it on historical or intraday chart as a HL
  18. Maybe handy to have the HL attached to a symbol as that has the actual $ amount and is easier o setup
  19. I dont see horizontal trend line in the indicators?
  20. These are manually entered lines that mark the top and bottom of credit put/call spreads Not calculated
  21. On an historical chart that changes with symbol selection. I need top and bottom lines signifying a price range for each symbol. for SPY lets say 267 and 285 for SHOP 260 and 290 so as the symbol changes so does the HL line. Means having to keep HL data for each symbol
  22. Is it possible or it would be nice to have the HL line option by stock symbol. Basically to have a range on the hist chart for some symbols
  23. Right forgot about that option thanks YHOO works
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