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Eldorado57 last won the day on May 12 2022

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  1. An idea came to me. As I often use different indicators together, example EMA(5) with EMA(10) with EMA(20) and then I uncheck each of them and use the PriceChannel(20) with the PriceChannel(10) and then I uncheck them and I use Ichimoku alone, I was wondering if it was possible to make groups in the indicators. Example: I would only have to uncheck the group EMA(5)(10)(20) and all three would be unchecked. An idea like that.
  2. Why can't we put an alarm on volume ? intraday and daily.
  3. TraderB can you explain me how to do that or if i need a specific program to do that ?
  4. Small suggestion for improvement. Since I only transact in Canada, I always have to indicate :ca when typing a code on a chart. If we could have a method to indicate the default extension if we don't indicate one when writing the code in a graphic. It could be a list of countries or a list of extensions or a list of markets in the ribbon of the graph that would be reflect on every graph. Just a suggestion.
  5. OK i see the problem. I have 2 screens different size. That what causing the problem. I have an another system with 2 screens with the same size and i see the X beside the pin. But with 2 screens different size we can't see the X and we can't extend the zone to see the X at the right of the pin.
  6. With the new version we lost the possibility of deleting in the recent layout. How can we do that now ?
  7. I think i don't have the good method. I try to put <break time="3s" /> into the text but it read it instead of waiting 3 sec.
  8. When you hit Set as Default in the parameter for the line and the Alert Line, the software save the same color for both but i would like different color for each. Every time i put an Alert Line i have to change the color cause it is not save in the parameter.
  9. I would like to have the Guppy indicator.
  10. It would be very nice to have a price range in the tools. It would be much rapid to calculate instead of doing it manually.
  11. OK i found the way to do it. If it can help someone. var NumOfDay = 1; var NumOfVolume = 1; DefinePaintbarParameter("NumOfDay", "Numbers of day needed", true, 1, 1000,1,364); DefinePaintbarParameter("NumOfVolume", "Maximum volume wanted", true, 1000, 1000000,1000,100000); NumOfDay = (int)GetPaintbarParameter("NumOfDay"); NumOfVolume = (int)GetPaintbarParameter("NumOfVolume"); if (Max(0,NumOfDay,BarVolume) < NumOfVolume) { SetColor(Color.Green); TriggerAlert("TheAlert","SearchMaximumVolume"); SetScanResult(@"SearchMaximumVolume"); }
  12. I would like to clean my database. I want a scan that will give me all the company that do not have a minimum of 50K in the volume since one year. How do i program it? Thanks
  13. For number 2 just hold the shift key while drawing and it will be zero degree
  14. Is it possible to add a Price range in the drawing tools
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