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Everything posted by David

  1. David


    Jerry we were talking about trendline on Hist chart translated into intraday a whlie ago... and u told me about the problem of where do they start ...where do they end...Well i remaind of it today and i checked on freestockcharts. It doesn't seems that they are very precise.... I do believe that the concept here is a price zone...as a reference point... Dont u agree..? David
  2. Jerry ..i agree with Lapa...can not say that i like the idea of this floating icon around the desktop...wouldnt' be enough the taskbar icon?
  3. Definitely agree w Tim Here...
  4. Stockwatch..but in the new beta is workin. Can i open a new topic even if it is 3.9.8.a?
  5. it's the whole day i try to understand and now the "D" disappeared...!!! Jerry pls in the "color last according to range"...a color stonger that the clear yellow,,it's difficult to see.. And now like last year my old ver of QT stopped to intra backfill a chart! Normally by deleting the file holiday.xlm it fix it..this time it's seems it don't wanna work!
  6. Jerry, but the data purposely delayed because it a beta?
  7. Hi Jerry.. Jerry, i was lookin for a way to import from old Qt..but did not find it...is it possible?
  8. Ciao Jerry! can u email me the beta too? THX PS Mazel still working 4 u?
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