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Questrade Level 2



Any chance you are going to support Data from Questrade for Level 2?  If I connect with MedVed to Questrade for data I get cut off of the data feed in the Questrade IQ edge platform but there is no Level 2 in MedVed from the Questrade feed.  I would like to try MedVed but without Level 2 available in MedVed or being able to keep Wuestrade open for level 2 I can't.  It's a bit strange that if MedVed accesses the Questrade data feed it cuts off Questrades IQedge.   I tried Motivewave which also has an api integration with Questrade but this doesn't happen with it.

2nd question is there any plan to be able to load Qeustrade's watch lists automatically into MedVed and potentially keep them in sync between the two?

Thank you,


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We've been asking Questrade to add support for Level II data via their API since day 1. If they add it, we would be glad to implement it. 

We do not do anything special that would knock you off other platforms using their data.  They are the ones doing it. MW may be using their own datafeed or something else.

As for synced watchlists, no.

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