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Posts posted by Thebattlefront

  1. Mike, So i understand that queue[3] = 2 should work now, but is it also possible to do queue[3]= queue[3] + 2? So I can make a cumulative sum inside only one of its cells.

    Also, can i do lets say,

    queue[5] = queue[4] / queue[2] or

    queue[5] = queue[4] * queue[2]

    Is division and multiplication allowed like that? And also, can i do math operations like

    queue[10] = Math.Round(queue[4] / queue[2], 2);

  2. I meant to write QLAtrPerBarSum.[5] not Q.LAtrPerBarSum[5]. The period is too soon. 

    I also checked the medved help center, it doesn't appear like this operation would work. What do you mean by the save and restore functions? Are you referring to the currentstate and savestate functions? Or are you referring to something else?

    Edit: I just want to clarify what exactly I'm looking for. I just want to be able to create an array of variables, up to 20, and be able to do basic operations on individual cells in that array - addition / subtraction / multiplication etc. And I want to save that array somewhere so when the scan runs the next candle, that information is not lost. Is there any way to do that. Or do you think I have to separate each cell in that array into it's own currentstate variable and then perform the operations that way. This is the way I've been doing it before, but it's really really ugly to look at the code for it. It's just these long lines of declaring these current state variables and then I have to repeat the codelines for the same function 20 times for each candlestick pattern in order to assign the values I need to all of the individual currentstate variables i've declared. It really looks terrible. That's why I'm trying to figure out an array solution. It would look so much nicer and cleaner to implement.

  3. Is it possible to reference a value in stateFIFOqueue array (e.g.Q.LAtrPerBar[5]) and then replace that value with Q.LAtrPerBar[5] + E; where E is a double? Is it possible to call an individual cell's value inside the array like that, and then add some value to itself? So the code line would look something like

    Q.LAtrPerBarSum[5] = Q.LAtrPerBarSum[5] + E;

    By the way just so it's clear, "AtrPerBar" is my "unit" for expressing profit. ATR = average true range. I use ATR instead of percentages because some stocks move faster than others and so the percentage swings can be much larger than others so it's harder to normalize a system around that. So instead i use ATR because most stocks have price swings that are relatively similar to their average true range value. Just so you aren't confused. So this codeline would be adding another data point of profit to the total "profit" of the candlestick pattern it is measuring. That's why i have to reference the cell value again and then add E. E is the latest profit to be added to the total sum. E is also expressed in units of ATR per candlestick bar, as the total sum is too.

  4. Do you have any idea how I can change the value of a cell in a CurrentState array, by referencing itself and adding another value to it? Or do i have to switch back to individual currentstate variables and abandon the idea of keeping the data stored in a single array altogether?

    I remember before you showed me how to use the StateFIFOQueue to add data to a set, and then perform operations on that set (like getting the average) to get the important values i can use. So i know there are alternatives to using just a bunch of individual currentstate variables to hold the values. But I just don't know what those alternatives are.

  5. Thanks Mike. Yeah i just want these arrays to store the data from the trades. Much like using individual currentstate variables and labelling them each CurrentState.m_dS1AtrPerBar, CurrentState.m_dS2AtrPerBar, CurrentState.m_dS3AtrPerBar, etc. but using just a single array for all to make it cleaner.

    Can i ask , what did you change? My results still look like this:

    Edit: The idea here is that each letter represents a different candlestick pattern. And what im doing is tracking the profit / number of trades / winrate of each candlestick, for each stock on my watchlist. That's what all the zeroes and the 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 numbers are in each column. They -should- be tracking the profit, tradecount, etc but i just get a bunch of zeroes.




  6. By Update I mean, I'd like to add a value to the last cell value to get a running sum of the total amount of profit my system has made up until the current point. So, for trade 1 it has a total sum let's say P, then the next trade's profit will add E to it and therefore the code line should look soemthing like P = P + E; where P is the value of the cell inside the currentstate variable array and E is just some double constant that im adding to P.

  7. Hi, I'm having a lot of trouble updating the values inside a public double[] CurrentState variable. The code looks something like this:

    public double[] m_dLAvgAtrPerBarList;

    public double[] m_dLAvgAtrPerTradeList;

    public double[] m_dLTradeCountList;

    CurrentState.m_dLAvgAtrPerBarList = new double[20] {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20};

    CurrentState.m_dLAvgAtrPerTradeList = new double[20] {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; CurrentState.m_dLTradeCountList = new double[20] {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};

    CurrentState.m_dLAtrPerBarSumList[CurrentState.m_iPatternIndex] = CurrentState.m_dLAtrPerBarSumList[CurrentState.m_iPatternIndex] + m_dAtrPerBar; CurrentState.m_dLAtrPerBarAvgList[CurrentState.m_iPatternIndex] = Math.Round(CurrentState.m_dLAtrPerBarSumList[CurrentState.m_iPatternIndex] / CurrentState.m_dLTradeCountList[CurrentState.m_iPatternIndex], 0);

    The point of this is to update the Total Sum of the Trade profits in the ATRPerBarSumList Currentstate array. And then divide this sum by the number of trades to get the average profit I can expect for each trade using this system. The problem is, my code never updates any of the values inside the arrays. It remains at all zeroes or just 1, 2, 3, 4, 5... like in the first array I typed (i was just checking to see if it would contain a value other than zero). How do i update the cell values inside these current state arrays? It feels like im missing something really basic but i dont know what it is.

  8. Shouldn't the while loop stop as soon as the condition isn't true? Like, at some point, the stochastic line will cross the signal again, thus making the condition for the while loop not true anymore and allowing the computer to exit the while loop? Because usually the stochastics line crosses the signal like after every 5 points or so (I use 14,3,3 settings - i know the amount fluctuates a bit but i dont think its possible for the stochastics line to stay above or below the signal indefinitely). That's why i was so stumped by this.

    Oh ok no your solution does work. I accidentally replaced the while loops with "if" conditions to make the program stop freezing lol. You are right, it does work now. Thank you jerry!

  9. Ok I'm a bit stumped and I think I need some help. I have this function that has two while loops:

    //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sto Trend
    private bool StoTrend(int StoCount)
        int y = 0; 
        if (StoLine1 >= StoSignal1)
            while (StoLine1[y] >= StoSignal1[y])
        else if (StoLine1 <= StoSignal1)
            while (StoLine1[y] <= StoSignal1[y])
        if (y >= StoCount)
        {return true;}  
        return false;

    This function should count the number of times the stochastic line is above or below the signal line until it crosses over (or vice versa). If that number is greater than the input (StoCount) then it will return true, meaning that there is an established trend with the stochastics line. The problem is this function causes medved to freeze. I know this because if I replace the two conditions for the while loops ----  stoline1[y] >= stosignal1[y] ---- to something like ---- y <= 2  ----- medved does not freeze and works again. But I'm not sure why. It's probably something simple but I cannot figure it out.

  10. One more thing - what's the syntax difference between using Q.WeightedAverage and Q.Average?

    Since the fifoqueue Q only holds a single set of real values (let's say, for example, Q = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}), how do I apply a weight to Q?

    The reason I ask is because, it would appear that I can use Q.WeightedAverage or Q.Average on the same line and it returns no errors. But where are the weights coming from exactly in the program when I set a variable equal to Q.WeightedAverage? Does it just apply a weight of 1 to each value if I don't specify a new set P that contains the weights for Q?

  11. I am aware of using the GetHighLow function to track the yearly high and yearly low at a particular bar using the StateFifoQueue, aka:



    double High52, Low52;

    HighLow.GetHighLow(out High52, out Low52);

    I was wondering, though, how do I create a variable that tracks, let's say, the average percent gain per bar of a security
     (m_dGainPercentAveragePerBarPerSecurity), or maybe something like the Average winrate of a paintbar (m_dAverageWinrate),
     or some other arbitrarily defined variable? You mentioned in another thread i could use Statefifoqueue to take averages over
    a smaller space rather than averages over the entire space, and I assume this relates to calculation of these values in some way.
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