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Patrick Masters

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Posts posted by Patrick Masters

  1. Hi Jerry,


    I have several students that I have shared Medved trader with and they are excited to use this over ThinkorSwim. However, they are still relatively new to trading and are still in the portion of their training where they are only paper trading using TOS. Is it possible for these students to paper trade with Medved Trader so that they can develop the necessary mind-muscle memory connection using MT and the various types of conditional orders rather can get used to TOS and then have to recondition using MT.

    If not, would this be possible in the future?



  2. I guess Jerry doesn't frequent here much anymore. I hope he is ok health wise and has stayed safe from the coronavirus. If I can't figure out how to use conditional orders or be able to use them the way I envision, not sure what good MT brings me other than more aesthetically looking charts compared to ThinkorSwim. Hopefully I can  get some sort of response before my next renewal date or this might be my last month I am with MT. Fingers crossed.

  3. Thanks for the response, Soundwave. What I am referring to as far as keyboard shortcuts is the ability to create hotkeys for specific orders and types like I could do in DAS Trader Pro. For example, I can set up a hotkey and convert it to a button where one click buys 1000 shares at market price, sets a .25 stop loss, and a target of $2.00 Then I can duplicate and change stop losses and target to a new button. I appreciate the shortcuts Jerry has provided us but I really love the ability to create shortcuts rather than just assign hotkeys to predefined shortcuts. 

  4. Hi Jerry. Finally got Ameritrade to remove the advanced features so I could use the conditional orders inside MedVed Traders. I was quite ecstatic to see it show up this morning when I launched MT. However, the excite quickly dissipated as I tried to make heads and tails. The first jarring thing is that switching to any conditional order takes away the buy/sell/short/cover buttons I have become accustomed to. 

    Next, while hovering over each of the OTA/ OTOCA, etc... tells me what type of conditional order each tab represents, it kinda stops there. At that point, I have zero idea on whether I should use same, Reverse for actions etc... I am not sure what my expectations were but I am pretty sure this isn't what I had expected. I am almost embarrassed to say that ThinkorSwim makes it easier especially since I prefer to scale out of trades using predefined 2:1 or better rewards-to-risk ratios.

    Is it possible to maybe add another tab that could allow those of who scale out of trades to define our stop loss and then input our preferred ratios for reward to risk (i.e. mine are 1st target 2:1. 2nd target 3:1 and 3rd target is my lotto shares at 6:1 or better)? I have added a screenshot from TOS of how I have it set up now and also how I have save various order templates based on where I have to set my stop losses.


    Also another style I trade when I am not using defined RR targets is sometimes if I feel a trade can exceed these targets, I may open a position and sell off half and then raise my stop to Buy price and essentially make it a free trade. Perhaps I have overlooked the correct way or I am doing it wrong, but the process I follow now is 1/2 my position, sell market then I have to reset my stop limit. Is it possible to program MT that upon selling a partial position that we can automatically move our stop loss to our Buy price  or Buy price + $.01? The reason I ask is because when I used DAS Trader Pro last year, I was able to configure Keyboard shortcuts and buttons that would accomplish this very task. 


    My overall goal is to minimize the amount of clicks and/or keystrokes that allows me to get into a trade more quickly and take profits just as quickly as I need to. if we were able to have the ability to add hotkeys/shortcuts and have the ability to turn them into buttons like DAS Trader pro, it would make MT even more valuable to me. 


    Also,  if you have some free time, could you make some tutorials that actually break down each OTA, OTOCA, OTOTA, OTT actually do and maybe provide some examples in which scenarios they should be used?


    Sorry to be a pain in the ass but I am trying really hard to minimize any reason to ever fire up the RAM and resource hog that is TOS ever again. Any help at this point would be greatly appreciated. 



    TOS_AT_3Tgts Presets.png

  5. When I first installed the trial, I recalled seeing conditional orders under the trade ticket in one of the default layouts. I assume I accidentally closed it out but cannot seem to figure out how to get it to reappear. What I can do to bring these back. Thank you and sorry for the stupid question.

  6. I have been using TC2000 and ThinkorSwim for the last year and have gotten pretty comfortable putting together scans in both applications. However, Medved Trader has completely baffled me when it comes to scans. I watched a couple of the videos on setting up scans and I feel confused. 


    From what I understand, I can only scan from the symbols I put in my watchlist and portfolios and not from the total market, correct? If I am not correct, is there a way set up a scan that can scan the overall stocks to meet my parameters?

    What I would like to put together is a scan for Liquid Gainers and losers as well as a scan for active movers similar the scans that come with DAS Pro.


    Also does anyone have a video link that explains scanning in Medved Trader a little bit better and is more recent as well as a link to some scans that others have already been compiled?



    Here is the parameters I use for my Liquid Gainers


    Here are the parameters I use for my Top Losers scans:


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