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Posts posted by vireya

  1. I will wait til you add. Spent too much time on this already. The download file does not reveal any sound files


    I will simply watch the clock


    thanx anyway


    I give up

  2. so, after searching and finding one, then what do I do?


    Dont you think that there shud be a choice when we elect a sound alert, rather than doing it this way?

  3. Sorry Jerry, Dummyme does not understand...

    I have 2 computers, each with MT

    I wish that the data (portfolio) can be synced tween the two


    ie, if I put 'T' into one, then the other puter wud show it when opened

    are you saying that the settings are synched between the 2 computers also?

  4. in corporate environments, the MT user settings should automatically sync if Active Directory is used.   I would think Dropbox and suh would work, though if you are running MT on the 2 laptops at the same time, settings will get overwritten.  

    I meant to syncronize the data; not the settings

  5. Broker... TDAmeritrade


    Settings selected on Trading / Security...once/session (I had not closed down last nite, so password was still active from yesterday, right?


     Settings selected on Trading / General...

    dbl click on bid/ask

    dbl click on LAST

    confirm all trans...

    clear trade tix...

    show prompt for success...

  6. I put in a sell order for 9.24

    by mistake, I hit 9,   enter,   24


    there was no confirmation to sell


    I ended up with the stock sold at 9, and the transactions blank except for 24 in the symbol space


    usually I get a confirmation request for the action




    SOME days, like today, I did NOT get the request for me to enter my password, like on other days



  7. I have MT superimposed on top of FF


    my main portfolio has many subtotals


    Suddenly I found that 3 stocks and its subtotal had disappeared


    Becoming frantic, I clicked on symbols dropdown and found then all listed


    However, when I returned to the portfolio, there were gone


    did this repeatedly with the same result



    I was using FF in the foreground, and then I clicked on the left side of MT to bring it up, I had  inadvertently clicked on the left side of the subtotal, causing it to minimize itself


    simply reclicking that area, brought it back up


    heart attack averted



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