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  1. Ok, oops, market is closed today lol.
  2. So.........market issues today or something? I get absolutely no data whether I use Schwab or Webull for data source, have green light but no quotes.
  3. Seems today is like yesterday, when I load it up none of my L2 works until I change each ticker to something else then change back.
  4. Well I updated to latest version, some level 2 is working others not. I reload and it changes to some others work but previous ones don't. Options working at least.
  5. Wow it seems quotes today using Schwab are worse than they have been, no clue what I'm even looking at if it is real or not.
  6. Even though I've used you for so long I didn't know the entire history but appreciate everyone there thanks. Now please kick Schwab's ass and get us back to 100% thanks lol.
  7. Jerry, I've dealt with you for I think 20 years now, I am non stop amazed at how on top of things you are and how easily you can relay issues and fix things, you truly are appreciated thank you. I've gotten many to subscribe to you and each of them are shocked at how on top of things you are.
  8. Oh, apparently got one of those popups about agree to terms from Schwab and it was buried behind other windows so I couldn't click on it, that said, seems I get that popup every single day and have to agree.
  9. Am I the only one Schwab won't even work at all today, goes to yellow then red light.
  10. Yeah, Think or Swim has to be the worst platform I have ever seen in my life, and I've seen many.
  11. So...........after all that from yesterday, today when I load medved it won't even allow Schwab to work? I choose Schwab and it gives me yellow light. Go back to Webull (which sucks) and at least seems to work.
  12. Thanks. For the record I would never ask for someone's life just their first born child. Good luck man, hope this gets resolved for you and us in the next week or two. Feel like I'm trading back in the mid 90s again flying blind. Better than the 80s when I would check quotes in the newspaper though.
  13. I was just asking, on a list of stocks can I at least trust the bid/ask/last/volume, it seems to be working at least there but again I have no way to double check. Does seem my T&S works it is only level2.
  14. Last question, so the quotes I get in portfolio now, just bid and ask plus the volume, do I trust those are accurate at least? Those do update it seems but without anything to confirm not sure. Thanks and I feel for you buddy, what a headache this has been.
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