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  1. I appreciate your prompt response Jerry! That is wonderful news! Sorry to be a pain πŸ˜– but could that number be made available as a variable in the hotkeys? It would also be excellent if I had the option of adding it as a line on the chart. Seeing the BEP on the chart would be a gamechanger!
  2. To be honest Jerry, I don't know if the calculation you are suggesting would return the breakeven price. To clear up some of this confusion, today I created a google sheet which calculates the correct breakeven in all scenarios. You can scale in and out of long or short positions, and it constantly adjusts the breakeven price with each new trade that is input. So basically my request is for Medved to calculate the number in the 'Breakeven Price' column, without me having to manually enter each trade into the blue columns. I have added notes to some of the cells to explain what is being calculated: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kqRC6qANUdwJVQflIhbLejZ8RUclVwrL3_vE1rcIZJI/edit?usp=sharing Also, I have noticed that in the help manual, the current P&L calculations are based on the entire trading session. However, when it comes to calculating a breakeven price, I think it would be important to give the trader the option of only including trades taken since they were last flat on the ticker. This is because lots of the traders I know treat each trade setup as unique, so we wouldn't want a profitable trade on AAPL in the morning being factored into the breakeven calculation of a completely different trade setup on AAPL in the afternoon. Thank you for considering this request, please let me know if anything doesn't make sense or if I can help in any way.
  3. I don't know Jerry, is this base price you are referring to displayed anywhere on the platform? The only thing I was able to find was the 'Paid' column referenced by Donald. However, unlike Donald, my 'Paid' column doesn't calculate the breakeven price. It only updates the price if I add to the position. The price displayed doesn't change if I close a portion of the position.
  4. When I am managing a trade I am often closing a portion of the position for a small profit/loss and then adding it back, over and over again, with the goal of improving my breakeven price. Every trader I know who uses this style complains about having to calculate breakeven price on the fly using mental math, or copy and pasting trades into a spreadsheet. Not only is this inefficient, but in the heat of the moment, it often leads to errors. The closest thing I can find on Medved is the 'PosPaid' variable. However, it does not take into account any partial closes for a profit/loss that often occur whilst managing the trade. From speaking with fellow traders, the following features would reduce risk of human error and free up a large chunk of our concentration that is wasted on performing this calculation ourselves: > A 'BreakevenPrice' variable to be made available in the hotkeys. > An option to add this 'BreakevenPrice' as a line on the chart. > The breakeven calculation would be based on any trades taken since you last held 0 shares for that ticker. > The 'BreakevenPrice' would take into account any commissions incurred. > The option to ignore any swing positions the user may have open for a ticker. - E.g. A checkbox for each ticker that says "Ignore any positions held prior to the start of this session, when calculating a breakeven price". (This would prevent swing positions from messing up the calculation, when trying to manage a day trade.) Is this a possibility? Thanks!
  5. Ok thanks Jerry. I'll send them a message and hope that they add it in the future. πŸ™
  6. I have fractional shares enabled on my IB paper trading account. So if I want to buy 3.59 shares of common stock it will let me. However, when I submit the same order through Medved, the order is rounded to the nearest whole number. Also, if I try to buy less than 1 share of something, Medved displays an error. I have searched through the help menu and this forum, but haven't been able to find a fix. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  7. Just want to say a quick thank you to @Mike Medved and @Jerry Medved for all of their work! I am so impressed with the platform you have built and how quickly you respond to questions from the community here. I am extremely grateful to have found you! Medved is definitely my platform of choice for next year!
  8. Brilliant! Is a hotkey to clear all beads on the chart included in those changes?
  9. Interesting! I think that might work! Yes please could you set beads not on the chart to 0 instead of an error. Thank you very much!
  10. Currently there is a β€œdisable” checkbox next to each action within the hotkey. However, would it also be possible to use IF THEN statements in the conditionals section to disable specific actions? For example, IF total trading beads on the chart = 3 THEN Action 4 = disable Action 5 = disable I am trying to reduce my exposure to human error and this logic would cut the number of hotkeys I need by 75%. Therefore, I would be much less likely to hit the wrong key in the heat of the moment.
  11. I think intraday traders would want a clean slate every day. So that would mean making sure no beads can carry over to the next day. On the other hand, swing traders would want beads to carry over to the next day. So is there a way of giving a choice to the user? If i am understanding correctly, point 3 would mean that if an intraday trader forgets to delete some beads in one session, those beads would still be on their chart the following trading day, because they were saved to the layout.
  12. I know that you can do this if you are placing orders using the hotkeys. You can assign a value to the "XonChart" field. I just created a global variable called "LeftScreen" which makes it easier to tweak the value for all hotkeys in one go.
  13. I am blown away @Mike Medved! Thank you so much for working on this. Im going to try it out today. Can't wait! πŸ˜†
  14. Wow! This is so exciting! πŸ˜† How many price variables will the user be able to create?
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