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Chart rendering


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This hardly qualifies as a bug, but is not a feature request either. It falls more in the category of a fix for a minor annoyance.


ISSUE: MT draws, and then re-draws charts when switching to a new symbol.


The visual effect is that the chart "jumps" a bit before settling down.


This appears to be due to the rescaling of axes. I.e. chart draws, axes are re-sized, chart re-draws within new axes.


It only happens the first time that a new symbol is selected during an MT session.


It would be better to have the chart only draw once, using the proper axis dimensions from the start.



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To go along with this, I noticed another minor glitch.


ISSUE: time axis and vertical grid lines on intraday charts inconsistent when switching symbols.


Sample pics below (200 bars of 30min):








notice the 2nd chart has "extra" labels at 10:00 and 15:00 on the x-axis, along with the corresponding vertical gridlines (compared to the 1st chart which only has vertical gridlines at day-breaks.)

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