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Posts posted by ydfah

  1. According to the FAQ, after the first month MT will be limited (among other things) to: "Max 1 trading account (this does not include data feed account)"

    So what happens if there is already more than one trading account entered into MT when that first month is up and a subscription hasn't been purchased?

  2. Okay what happened with this option again?. Three trades today of mine got filled wrong because the "Use Portfolio Position" option is again unchecked for all of my accounts. I had to checkmark them again yesterday after an update was done. Today they're all unchecked.

  3. Do you think we can get rid of the pop up yes/no warning box that appears in the news window whenever the mark all read button is pressed, or at the very least have a tick box to not show this message again? It started getting rather irritating after clicking Yes roundabout the 12th time today.

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  4. 6 minutes ago, Jerry Medved said:

    Actually, if you are not at the top of the raw data, it is supposed to NOT scroll.

    I figured but it wasn't working that way. Even when I was scrolled down it kept jumping up, but I wasn't sure if that was by design in MT. I'll wait for the update.

  5. That'll work! What I was mainly looking for is when I make larger volume trades and all the shares don't get sold at the same price, the linked portfolios used to add and delete the positions as well as calculate the average cost. This made it easy to keep track of how good or bad I was doing at the time.

  6. Under Settings, Trading, Accounts, Quantities  I have the box check to "Use Portfolio Position". This works and fills in the quantity on the trade ticket but only for long positions. When I CTRL+T on a short position the quantity gets filled in with a zero. I also tried the "Use Account Position" with the same result.

  7. 25 minutes ago, Jerry Medved said:

    TD Ameritrade datafeed does not currently support News.  Hasn't for years.

    Apparently you missed the part where I said it's working in QT, right now...today. The box is checked and I'm getting no error message.

  8. I cannot turn on news in my TDAmeritrade account in MT, Data Sources, Configure Accounts. I click on the news box and it stays blank, no checkmark ever appears. All of the other boxes in that row are checked. The TDA streaming news works in QT so it doesn't seem to be an account related issue. I've also tried it using one of my other TDA accounts as the source...no difference.

  9. 2 minutes ago, Jerry Medved said:

    there is no entry price in the portfolio.  

    Semantics, I'm referring to the Paid column in the Edit Portfolios and the Portfolio screens when I say entry price. Of course Paid is not the right terminology either since when initiating a short position you're actually selling and not paying anything. :P

  10. On the day a new position is entered into a portfolio, the Chg$ column uses the previous day's closing price to calculate what it displays and gives an inaccurate reading. This value should be based on the entry price when the purchase date matches todays day.

    For example, I initiated a short position today of 9K shares at $7.70. It closed yesterday at $7.28. Currently the Last column says $7.46, the Gain $ column shows $2,180 and the Chg$ column shows -$1620 because it's calculating from 7.28 instead of 7.70.

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