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Posts posted by mlsignups

  1. One of my trading strategies is to enter stocks occasionally after hours; for instance SNAP this past week.   To enter I need three characteristics; I need to know the news or earnings info; I need to see the right type of after hours price action and I want to see a high % of daily volume traded after hrs; normally at least 20% before I'd take an entry.    Is it possible and if so can you give me some ideas on how to create an indicator that might display the after hrs volume % somewhere on the chart?  Something like where the pace indicator displays.

    So if the stock averages 5M shares a day and after hours 1M shares have traded it would show 20%.

  2. On the wishingwealth blog the guy there has created some simple indicators and one he calls the Green Line Brekaout (GLB).    Essentially he draws a horizontal green line on a chart where a stock has hit a new high then pulled back for at least 3 months and is under that high; then he enters on a break of that line (at least in some cases).

    It's drawing a line at all time highs but only if the high was > 90 days ago.   Is there a way to draw that horizontal line. 


  3. Originally asked about this in support; putting in as feature request.

    Would be great to have some sort of hotkey so as you were flipping down a list of charts you could quickly add the current chart to either (a) another designated watchlist or (b) a favorites list or something similar.   This way I could look through a list of say 100 charts that meet my initial criteria and quickly flag the 10 or 20 I want to concentrate on next day.    The simplest way would be to create a flag or favorites feature where if you are looking at a chart and click Ctrl-F or Ctlr-Space or some keyboard shortcut it adds this symbol to a list of favorites - which could be set as one of the watchlists in setup.   A more powerful way would be to allow you to have a series of shortcuts CTRL or SHIFT + a key and different keys corresponded to different lists to add to.   


  4. Thanks.   I tried sections and when the list is long it's a bit tough.   Right now copy/paste seems easiest; just put a source watchlist next to an empty target.     I'll add this as a feature request as it would be a nice addition at some point.

  5. Curious the best way to do this.

    I often come up w/ a list of 100 to 200 stocks as my first list when I finish scanning.   I like to then flip through the chats and pick 20 or 30 that I may trade the next day.   Is there a way to easily "flag" a stock that is showing so i can then quickly move all the flagged stocks into a shorter watchlist?   I know some other systems have a flag icon in the listing or let you otherwise flag it but don't see that here.   So far the only thing I woudl think of was copying it and going to another list and pasting, but it's a # of additional steps.   Wasn't sure if there was a quicker way to do this.   

  6. While I ultimately want to move my research to the cloud I came up w/ a good local solution for now.

    I was able to build a research database using filemaker and populated it by downloading fundmental data (sales, eps) from another site.   then filemaker has the ability to add a button/script or to a screen action (like loading data) so i set it up that when i open a screen to review fundamental data on a stock it runs a two line script that uses the medved API to change the displayed symbol in medved.   this way whlie i look at the fundamental data the stock screens are also up w/o additional work.

  7. I'd love to be able to open up another site window when i'm on a stock (fundemental data)...like you open with yahoo right now.    And have it synced so if i switch symbols that window also switches symbols.   If I recall you may have had the ability to do this in the old quotetracker days (set up your own research windows and have them sync) although not sure.

    Any plans to bring in ability to configure other sites to open and sync when symbols change?

  8. When I look at a chart I'd like to see all the fundamental data (sales growth) also.    I have access to this data and was thinking of building a personal system so when I click on a ticker in my system it opens a panel with the fundamental data and a place to take some notes.    Would it be possible if I click on it in a desktop software system to send the ticker to medved trader to change the active ticker in medved?    if not, would it be possible to go the other way... that if i click on a symbol in medved it can tell send something out so my other system changes ticker symbols?

  9. I typically do my homework and set order situations at night, on my home system.  But then would like to watch over things when i'm at work the next day.    Is there any way to back up the settings, watchlists, etc. to the cloud so that when i log in the next day from a different location it's all there?     If not, is there one directory I could upload to the cloud each night and download into the other location the next day that would have all of that info...for instance, would using the backup directory work?

  10. Thanks.   So placing the buy order on there as a stop...MT will trigger/place the order once it crosses over that line?   yeah, some way to then add a stop once an order is in would be cool.    i typically buy on some sign of breakout; like a limit so i don't overpay; but then like to place a stop somewhat just below the order (usually low of prior day or similar) to minimize losses.

  11. Just getting back in after some time off and just upgraded to paid.  

    I use IB and  I'd like to do autotrading based on breakouts where i can set a line in MT and once it crosses that line trigger a buy.   In that regard I'd like to set a max price.   So for instance, stock is at $7.11.  When it crosses $7.15 I want to autobuy but want to limit price to $7.20 so i don't get filled if it pops at, say, $7.40.    Is there a way to configure the trading tools to do this?

    2nd question... I'd also like to set a stop (exit) after the buy; for instance, once I buy, I'd like it to trigger a stop at $7.00.  I know I can do that from within the IB interface but assume I can not do that in MT?


  12. My primary computer died last week.   As of right now it's not booting.    Wasn't sure if the system was backing up any configurations to your server that i could restore to recapture the setup of the system onto my new PC?    Just curious before I reconfigured.


  13. I'll send it over.   Actually I think the volitility stop (vs volitility trend) is similar but a better fit/indicator.   The end results are pretty close to the ATR stops on other systems.  I'll send you an email w/ pics

  14. I"ve had some pretty good success in the past using ATR stops as a vehicle to get in/out of positions, described here.   I assume you know what they are but in case not, they are described here:


    Is there a way I can manipulate the ATR provided with the system to offer the signals or are there any similar indicators or any thought on adding this one?

    Actually, this guys system is based on a modified version of it: https://www.allantrends.com/



  15. Thanks.   FYI Not make or break as I use and like the product anyway; but with a few monitors trying to move things around just gets a bit clunky now.    Another option might be to linke or attach the windows so if you move one they move together...so you can move then at one time like you can close them all at one time.    I think that would have a similar benefit.

  16. Another upvote for a container of some sort.     I love the product in general but lack of a container for me makes it a bit clunky at times if i have to move a bunch of windows to use the screen for something else and i just want to move them to a different monitor.   most other products i've used (thinkorswim, amibroker) allow you to separate windows from a container but by default let you start with them all in one master window.

  17. I think you had something like this in QT with message boards; dont' recall if you had other options.

    I'd love to be able to add a window like news that instead links to a 3rd party site with relevant information.      For instance, if i wanted to see insides to have a linked window that when i went to another symbol it updated the window by inserting the ticker name into a variable and showing me this URL inside the window:  http://www.zacks.com/stock/research/QSII/insider-transactions     or similar for earnings history like this http://www.zacks.com/stock/chart/QSII/price-consensus-eps-surprise-chart

    My vision would be that the linked window would just display a web page and would have a set URL with a variable to insert the ticker into the right place.    

    Any thoughts about whether this would be viable/doable?


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