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Everything posted by mnewton

  1. minor same alert set on portfolios if stock is repeated in portfolios then as many times repeated will get same alert duplcated
  2. in a portfolio with an option the value is priced on the 'last' whereas its normally price on the bid. you cant get the last price if you want to sell. you may get half way between the two if you are lucky
  3. mnewton

    set pin color

    Minor I use 9 pins when i go to look to see if the pins are correct would be nice to have the pin color shaded on the list very hard to tell between some of the colors
  4. MInor problem when I have MT minimized and there is a call to setlinkedSymbol() the linked chart is maximised i.e. displays on screen.
  5. mnewton

    api calls

    Jerry Thanks Its really if the api hangs or my scanner I just restart both. My win 10 explorer still hangs occasionally now when he browser is opened from another app.and I have to restart explorer to get it to clean up. I assume
  6. mnewton

    api calls

    I have a background job that checks if MT and my scanner are running and are working correctly as in not frozen. Used to happen a lot with QT. If they are frozen kills both and restarts. I never like killing a process would always prefer orderly shutdown alt+F4 Things tend to get corrupted with a kill.
  7. mnewton

    api calls

    Add api call to backfill hist in portfolio api call to do an MT close() rather than use taskkill
  8. if i go into alerts and select say trailing stop by percentage and then 1% and then 5 secs timeout . make this the default setting for trailing stops and/or for other akerts. would save a lot of time. plus the ability to remove all alerts for stocks not in portfolios. keep up the great work. how is it going with the api ?
  9. to be able to set default setting for adding an alert we always use trailing stop buy points .3 time out 5 secs would be handy to have this as the default. plus to be able to delete all alerts then set the defaults to a complete portfolio
  10. Ability to change defaults for "research" "historical charts" etc on stock symbol options
  11. Jerry Right now with stockwatch I have to use exchange code for certain symbols i.e. Z:CIEN as CIEN is NYSE. this is ok as backfill allows for alias but for news,Research,Raw data,trade,options etc there is no alias. So some method to define the exchange separately from the symbol would solve the problem
  12. How do we hide hide the quick access menu so we make a chart similar to the old format. old http://twitpic.com/dv3tey#.UvkbAb18gfg.gmail new http://twitpic.com/dv3tsi#.Uvkaxu8JcHg.gmail It would be nice to have quick alerts setup for trailing stops either by import from spreadsheet or via API. Also to set all alerts to timeout of (x) seconds useful at start of trading when all alerts go off for first 10 minutes.
  13. Jerry That sounds good,lots of work by the sound of it, any guesstimate for a time frame for the api? Trading I don't need as I use TD active trader for that . QT I use mainly for the alerts once I have the daily portfolios set up.I use trailing alerts which work well For trading I would need a good T&S and alerts on ask or bid volume. Something like sterling software has.
  14. Jerry Currently use QT 3.9.9 with stockwatch feed and have a bunch of liberty basic programs that use the api to update portfolios and charts ( would love more pinned charts !) So could test out the beta with my software if its ready. Could switch to DTN iqfeed to test it as well. Would really like a better way of entering alerts ( trailing stops ) using the api Have about 45 charts open on 2 monitors .
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