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Number of Portfolios/watch lists


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Hi Jerry,

Prior to the latest beta update I was able to have my 2 portfolios open and when I wanted to could also open my watch list, which consists only of ASX indexes.

Now I get 

"You are currently using a free Medved Trader account.
Free accounts cannot have more than 2 Portfolio windows open.

To get rid of this and other restrictions, please change your account to one of the paid subscription plans"

I understand the 2 portfolio thing but had always thought that did not include a watch list such as mine. Not a big problem, 

as I can just close one portfolio when I want to check the indexes. Just wondering if this is a bug or by design.

In addition my 2 portfolios (income and trading) contain in total less than 20 stocks. Is there a way/option to have these

combined in one portfolio with a sub total for each group? No grand total is needed.


Edited by Bonkers
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MT does not have any distinction between "Portfolio" and "WatchList".  Both are types of portfolios and free accounts are restricted to 2. Shouldnt have been any changes with that recently

You can create one portfolio with the contents of the other two - and add --- (3 dashes) as a symbol where you want the separator to go. MT will add the sub-totals in that. Total Row will be added if this is done in a regular portfolio. Not if it is in a Watchlist.

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