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Inconsistent data for avgvol


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Not sure where the watchlist view avg vol data is coming from.  Detailed view matches stockwatch data and Questrade data.  I cleared the watchlist data for ATC:VN and backfilled and it stayed the same(incorrect).  Is watchlist view avg volume maybe calculated from the limited historical data set Medved has instead vs detailed view getting the actual number from the source system (which source does detailed view use)?

Comparing many stocks between the watchlist view vs detailed view Watchlist does not match stockwatch/Questrade data from their systems directly.


Watchlist view avg vol 415670 ATC:VN


Detailed view Avg vol 232.18K ATC:VN



Another odd one LTX:VN showing avg vol data in watchlist but in stockwatch, questrade and medved detailed view there is no average vol or trading in the last 6 months



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