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Raw Data


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Hi Jerry 

In my raw data Columns i appear to have some stocks in my portfolio  that have recorded transactions through to close on the ASX, and some stocks have appear to have cut short early in the day, i have attached the data recorded for VML ASX 47,232,682 volume went through today all the way to close yet my data appears to have stopped 08.52.44 as can be seen on my screenshot, would appreciate your input Many thanks 




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if you were to backfill the symbol, it would have all the data. MT can get data by either storing the quotes you get while MT is running and the symbol is getting quotes in a portfolio or chart, or via backfill. Raw Data window is just showing you the data in MT - if you just open raw data without having the symbol on chart or portfolio, it will not cause quotes to actively stream. You can right click and select Backfill though

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