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Webull Login Failed After Two-Factor Authentication


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On 3/8/2021 at 1:28 PM, Jerry Medved said:

1) in MT, we just got that stuff resolved. will have a beta tonight. If you need it, email us.

2) what does python code have to do with MT?

If you could please email me code snippet at techy1499@gmail.com ?

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Hi Donald, 

It is not a code snippet. There is a lot of involved details involved. If you want to access Webull data and/or trading programmatically, you would be far better off just running MT and having MT login to Webull for the quotes/trading. Then, connect your app to MT via MT's streaming API which allows you to get all the data and also trade with any supported datafeeds / brokers. That way you would not have to deal with the undocumented intricacies of Webull API. you would just write your code to our API. an added advantage is that you could add to or switch datafeeds within MT, or switch brokers or add other brokerage accounts without having to change anything in your program

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  • 3 months later...
  • 2 years later...

Hi, I would like to paper trade with Webull and have the same validation error when i tried to verify and get accounts.

After entering my email, password and two factor authentication, which was sent to my phone, i get "account validation failed to connect" error in Medved desktop.


Although theres validation error, I am able to see the candle chart data and level 2 data(have a monthly sub), however i cannot paper trade or see any account details.


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in MT the login for quotes is separate from login for trading.

sounds like you have the quotes working. but not trading.  So......

on SETTINGS / TRADING / ACCOUNTS, click ADD and select WEBULL PAPER TRADING (NOT the other one - that other one is for live accounts only).  

Now enter the email and password.

when you click verify & Get accounts, you should get another login window with the Webull Login page.  You will need to select EMAIL tab there and enter the same info again.  Make sure to enter the SAME login info there that you entered in MT. 

Let me know if that works OK for you

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Hi, thank you, the Webull Paper Trading selection works. I can now see paper account details.

I also have a Webull live account, and would like to link my Webull live account to Medved desktop (to have both paper and live linked to Medved Trader). 


This time i go to Settings / Trading / Accounts, to add "Webull" (the live version). I enter my Email, Password, the 6-digit Trade Pwd and Alternate Quote Source = None, and i get the validation error.

The only difference i think, are the additional 6-digit Trade Pwd and the Alternate Quote Source.

"Webull Paper Trading" Alternate Quote Source = Webull, and this quote source is not available in the "Webull" (live account) selection.  

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leave the alt quote source as none, and that would not impact login anyway.  

basically same thing just that you must have all 3 and you must enter the same userid/pass onto the webpage that pops up. sorry about that extra step but their login page is convoluted as heck.

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Okay i will keep alt quote source as none.

Currently, my Webull Paper Trading (paper) account for Medved is working, although it does not require the 6-digit Trade Pwd to link to Webull Broker

My Webull (live) account for Medved is unable to link to Webull Broker, showing the validation error. The Medved Webull (live) settings require saving the 6-digit Trade Password and i made sure to enter the 6 digit password correctly. 

Would the validation error perhaps be due to the Webull (live) 6-digit Trade Pwd?

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Yes, my live account is working. I can see my Webull Live account details(through Webull desktop), made currency exchange and entered trades.

I entered a Webull Live trade and hold a few shares just to make sure and then tried to link through Medved again but the validation error is still occuring.

Edited by Trendmarket
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