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Resampling candles

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Don't know who I was talking to via email, but I'm trying to build a multi timeframe indicator. It was suggested 


<Hm. The only way in MT to do SMA on multiple timeframes (I presume by that you mean multiple candle sizes) would be to run it on a 1 min candle chart and in the code accumulate those non-1-minute candles yourself and generate the SMAs>


I had the idea to use state keeping  to gather up buckets of 3 close values, then take the SMA of the 3rd one of each bucket to get the 3 minute candle close. Except since I'm doing this on the 1 min chart, it's not working out.


I can get the last of the FIFO que, but that's just the most recent one, and it's essentially just a 1 min chart 


I can get [3] bars ago, but that is the same problem, every minute will have a new one 


I also tried using a double.nan for minute candles not divisible by 3, but that's causing problems since for example the 3min candle at 15:30 is the same close as the 1min candle at 15:32


How could I resample the 1 min close to 3min (and higher?


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Here is some code that generates (on a 1-min candle paintbar scan) 5-min and 10-min candles as well:

// here is code that, when run on 1 min candles in MT, will generate 5-min and 10-min candles.
// so you can do your own things with it. The limitation of course is that you cannot use these
// new candles as inputs to indicators, but you can do your own (for example, use FIFO queues
// to make SMAs).
struct SimpleCandle
    public double open;
    public double high;
    public double low;
    public double close;
    public double vol;
    public DateTime timestamp;
    public SimpleCandle(double o, double h, double l, double c, double v, DateTime ts)
        open = o;high=h;low=l;close=c;vol=v;timestamp=ts;

Stack<SimpleCandle> min5;
Stack<SimpleCandle> min10;

private DateTime AlignTimestamp(int minutebound, DateTime timestamp)
    long ticks = timestamp.Ticks - timestamp.Ticks % (TimeSpan.TicksPerMinute*minutebound);
    return new DateTime(ticks);

private void CollectCandle(int NumMin, ref Stack<SimpleCandle> collection)
    var AlignedTimestamp = AlignTimestamp(NumMin, Timestamp);
    if (collection.Count>0)
        var candle           = collection.Peek();
        if (candle.timestamp == AlignedTimestamp) // still in same 5 minutes
            candle       = collection.Pop();
            candle.close = Close;
            candle.high  = Math.Max(High, candle.high);
            candle.low   = Math.Min(Low, candle.low);
            candle.vol   = candle.vol - CurrentState.prevBarVol + BarVolume;
        else // new candle into the queue
            candle = new SimpleCandle(Open, High, Low, Close, BarVolume, AlignedTimestamp);
    else // first candle into the queue
        var candle = new SimpleCandle(Open, High, Low, Close, BarVolume, AlignedTimestamp);

public void MainCalculation() 
    CollectCandle(5, ref min5);
    CollectCandle(10, ref min10);
    CurrentState.prevBarVol = BarVolume;
    // at this point you can access 1 min candles (with the normal Close, Open etc indexed variables)
    // and the 5- and 10-min candles with the min5.ElementAt() and min10.ElementAt() variables

/// <summary>
/// INITIALIZES paintbar. Is called at start of paintbar calculation, should be used to initialize anything needed for the paintbar
/// NOTE: do NOT initialize the CurrentState here - the PaintbarClearState will be called AFTER this call, and will wipe it out.
/// </summary>
private void PaintbarInitialize()
    min5  = new Stack<SimpleCandle>(100);
    min10 = new Stack<SimpleCandle>(100);

/// <summary>
/// Holds paintbar state - fill with variables needed to be preserved for next paintbar calc
/// </summary>
private struct PaintbarState
    public double prevBarVol;

/// <summary>
/// Holds current PB state - use to calc PB, changes to it carry over to next PB calc
/// </summary>
private PaintbarState CurrentState;

/// <summary>
/// Holds saved PB state - internal
/// </summary>
private PaintbarState SavedState;

/// <summary>
/// Is called at start of paintbar calculation, should be used to clear the paintbar state
/// and initialize whatever variables you place into it. This is called AFTER PaintbarInitialize
/// </summary>
private void PaintbarClearState()
    CurrentState = new PaintbarState();

/// <summary>
/// Saves paintbar state (called internally).
/// </summary>
private void PaintbarSaveState()
    SavedState = CurrentState;

/// <summary>
/// Restores paintbar state (called internally).
/// </summary>
private void PaintbarRestoreState()
    CurrentState = SavedState;
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My follow up to this I guess is, is there any way to plot more than 2 values?


This indicator is a value and its SMA, so a pair of lines for setyvalue(this,that). I currently have pairs for the 1 min and 3 min but it seems like I can only get (this,that) but not (another,aswell) to plot at the same time? 


I plan on having pairs of lines for 1 min-15 min

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Posted (edited)

for anyone wondering , this is how i did it 


         // Calculate the 3m 
    if (Timestamp[-1].Minute % 3 == 0 )
        threeminclose = Close[1];
     double threemin8 = CurrentState.threeminbucket.Average;
    double tmf = threeminclose -threemin8;
    double lowf3 = CurrentState.SMA3of3mF.Average;   
     if ( tmf >  lowf3)
         SetColor(0, Color.Green);
           SetColor(1, Color.Red);


         threeminclose = Double.NaN;

         // Calculate the 5m 
         if (Timestamp[-1].Minute % 5 == 0 )
        fiveminclose = Close;
     double fivemin8 = CurrentState.fiveminbucket.Average;
    double fmf = fiveminclose -fivemin8;
    double lowf5 = CurrentState.SMA3of5mF.Average;   
     if ( fmf >  lowf5)
         SetColor(0, Color.Green);
           SetColor(1, Color.Red);


         fiveminclose = Double.NaN;

i had to do this for each timeframe

problem is, i  can only plot one timeframe at a time. thinking about just assigning colors or something if  2 lines is the limit 

Edited by zayjayspx
added code
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