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I received the following error and can't update MT. It says it can't check for updates but it this error is occurring AFTER downloaded the update. 
Medved Trader encountered an Error
Unable to process the updates: The system cannot find the file specified
Please contact Medved Trader technical support and provide the error details
AppVer: 1.0.4898.2147 Err.Flags: ShowToUser
Unable to check for updates.

I need to get the log file to see what the problem is. Please do the following:


go to FILE / Export Settings. 

Leave the checkboxes already checked, and also check LOG FILE.

Export, then email me the exported file please.


Also, if you run MT and select FILE / HELP / Check Updates and do the update again, do you get the same error?


NOTE: Please send me the log even if the update works the 2nd time

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