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Mike Medved

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Posts posted by Mike Medved

  1. Problem with Discord (if I understand what Discord is) is that it is a live chat. We really don't have time to sit in the live chat, unfortunately. Someone has to program all these nifty new features.

  2. Here's the big problem with that idea: the stock data is shared among all windows in MT. That is why it is problematic to have two sources get data for the same symbol - it clashes. In the case you describe, the big port, after it creates the little port, will continue running the scans on the stocks in the little port if the little port is connected to a real time source, and any data that will come in big port will conflict with the data on the same symbol collected by the little port.

    But - what we *could* do is allow a button to create a portfolio or a watchlist from the results of a scan on another portfolio - manually. Then you could conceivably open a big portfolio/scan, run that preliminary scan on it, generate another portfolio from it, turn off/close the big portfolio and place whatever scan you want on the newly generated one.


  3. Actually, merlin, that indicator doesn't work right (yet, I guess) in MT.

    It is problematic because the zigzag indicator is backwards-changing. That is, if the current candle changes, the indicator may change to be different completely starting many candles back. So the weiss wave will change accordingly - not just on the last candle but on the last N candles where N can be big.

    Frankly, not only is it problematic to calculate (because MT really tries to calculate all indicators as state-machines), but it detracts quite a bit from its usefullness, if the indicator's overall shape may suddenly change not just for the current candle, but for the last N candles.

    • Like 1
  4. itsmadvil: note that the variables used in the code FIRST have to be defined in the top table for the advanced code. How to define these was explained in the comments in the code above:


    // Var Name: "BollingerBands_Top" contains Bollinger Bands(20,2).Top
    // Var Name: "PriceChannels_Top" contains Price Channels(20).Top
    // Var Name: "PriceChannels_Bottom" contains Price Channels(20).Bottom
    // Var Name: "BollingerBands_Bottom" contains Bollinger Bands(20,2).Bottom
    // Var Name: "VWAP_Line" contains VWAP (Intraday)().Line
    // Var Name: "PriceChannels_Center" contains Price Channels(20).Center
    // Var Name: "FibonacciPivots_Res1" contains Fibonacci Pivots (Intraday)(def).Res1
    // Var Name: "RSI_Line" contains RSI(20,2).Line
    // Var Name: "CCI_Line" contains CCI(14).Line

  5. TD Ameritrade datafeed does not support Crypto Currency quotes. You would need to select a source that does.

    Assuming that you are tracking regular stocks at the same time, create a separate portfolio for just crypto currencies.
    Add #BTC.USD and any other crypt currencies you want to it. . 
    Open it in a separate portfolio window (OPEN PORTFOLIO tile on the dashboard). 
    Set that portfolio's quote source to be one of the crypto currency sites. All are free and do not require login. For example, you can use GDAX

  6. It's the same as Full Stoch, but instead of the regular EMA it uses the T3 moving average formula to smooth the final line (the signal line is still EMA smoothed though).

    I'm not sure what you mean about not being able to use it in a Paintbar - the "T3 Stoch" is one of the indicators available.

  7. Look at MT's "Zig Zag" indicator. Make sure the Zig Zag lines are turned on. Are those the same lines as in Weis' indicator?

    If so, I could make an indicator that would accumulate the volume for each zig zag line like in the indicator to which you linked.

  8. Here are the two paintbar files. Add these two underneath your RSI and link them together. One is for upper BB line, the other is for lower BB line. You can change the parameters in the paintbars to modify the Bollinger Bands. Make sure to make the paintbar widths minimal (2) and make the shape something like a triangle so that they don't interfere in drawing the lines.

    This is not the best or most elegant solution. Paintbars are really not fully suitable to create new indicators. But the custom indicator editor is not there yet.


    • Like 1
  9. If you mean bollinger bands that have the oscillator as an input - yes, it is possible to do with Advanced Paintbars. See https://www.medvedtrader.com/trader/WebHelp/advanced___enhancing_an_indica.htm


    For Bollinger Bands you'd have to basically calc the SMA and add/subtract mult*StDev

    If you are not a programmer that could be difficult. Later today I guess I can post detailed instructions on how to do that here.

    • Like 1
  10. tedd: what site's data? Are you referring to all candles on the daily charts or just the last? Most candles are shown just as they are returned.  Last candle is built from intraday Open, High, Low and Last, which should be done using the 247 timeframe - that is UTC0 to UTC0.  Could you send a chart and point out the issue on it?

    A bit of a background: as I mentioned before every crypto exchange has the bizarre method of showing change and volume on a rolling 24-hr basis. That is, if they show change of -10, that's 10 less than the value 24 hours ago, not 10 less than at the beginning of a session. That's because they don't have a concept of "sessions". Again, as I wrote before, that makes the volume and change variables completely useless to a trader. If it is "-10" from 24 hours ago 5 minutes ago and "-5" now, that doesn't give you a sense of the movement of the price, because it may have gone up now because it has gone down in the same 5 minutes 24 hours ago. I really don't understand why they all adopted this weirdness, my only explanation really is that the first exchanges were founded by amateurs who had no idea how these things are supposed to operate and the later-comers just copied it.

    We noticed that with every exchange, if we asked for daily candles, the resulting data came aggregating the days on UTC0 boundaries. So we made a "247" timeframe that goes UTC0 to UTC0, 7 days a week, and jumped through hoops to set up sessions for those exchanges so that the change you see is from the UTC0 that day, and so is the volume.


  11. To clarify: how does this work? This company is not a broker themselves. It's a software company. I see that one of the brokers that they provide services for is Gains Capital. But Gains already has an API and we connect to it. Does this provide a different API for Gains?


    Also, from a quick glance at the API, they don't seem to provide streaming market data API at all. Correct?

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