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Mike Medved

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Posts posted by Mike Medved

  1. MT allows you to open a lot of different windows scattered all over your desktop. Docking would help you manage them. By pressing SHIFT while moving a window you would be able to "dock" it to another window, and from then on, until you undock them by pressing SHIFT while moving again, moving one window will move the other(s) in tandem... There are some tricky scenarios to be resolved, but that is the gist of it.

    This is almost done and will probably be in next beta.

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  2. In Simple paintbar editor, on the right, after the "candles ago" there is the a field that by default contains "Bar" for the Volume indicator. Click on it and select "EMA".

    or, in Advanced paintbar editor, when setting the variable for the Volume indicator, in the rightmost column called "Value Name" select "EMA".

  3. We will be putting that in. We don't want to do it same way QT did it, since it required details such as your SMTP server and its authentication parameters and confused people who were not techie. It's on the list. First, DOM trading and window docking. Then we will tackle email (and twitter and facebook etc. etc.)

  4. In the latest beta, there is an option to invert the price chart's scale (in View/Options on the Chart window). This was a fairly tricky thing to do, involving many parts, and I may have missed some. So - please check it out and if you see any weirdness please report it.


    Thanks. And feel free to tell us if this is a useful feature. I myself never use that but we had several requests for it.

  5. The scroller for charts is special - we coded it specifically for charts, it has functionality that is specific for charts (like being able to drag the edges) etc.

    The other scrollbars are generic OS scrollbars. Their widths are set by the OS, globally, for all programs.

    Here is how to change those for win10: http://winaero.com/blog/how-to-change-the-size-of-scrollbars-in-windows-10/

    For Win7, go to you Control Panel/Personalization/Window Color click "Advanced Appearance Settings", set Item drop box to 'Scrollbars" , set Size spin control.


  6. C# is one of the languages that requires a variable's explicit declaration (unlike something like Lua)

    So, before the line

    public void MainCalculation()


    you need to add this line:

    DateTime LastTriggeredTimestamp = new DateTime(0);

    that would declare the variable and eliminate the error.

  7. JerryS - those kinds of kinks have been worked out in modern programming environments, mostly. Nowadays, if you get a bug, there is a very remote possibility that it is not your, programmer's, fault but the OS' or driver's etc. fault, but that kind of thing is a zebra. You don't go looking for zebras :)

    Our problems are often in dealing with extremely multithreaded environment. If everything was running in one thread, oh what a wonderful bugfree world it would be. But the program would not be nearly as fast/responsive.

    Although the option chain bug does not seem to be related to threads. As Jerry explained, we cache chains, because getting them is expensive in terms of server access and speed. But the problem with cache of course is if you have bad data in cache. We do sanity checks of course but...


    As an aside, I started programming in ALGOL-68 on Minsk-22s - minsk-22.jpg.

    See those white threads in the back? That's punched tape. Fun stuff.


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