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Tweets on charts



This request is not fully thought-out, as it just occurred to me and i thought I'd jot it down...


Here goes:


It would be nice to be able to pick up tweets from the twitter feed, as they relate to stocks that one is following, and then display on the intraday (or historical) chart(s) where those tweets occurred.


Since it is possible that a stock may have a lot of twitter activity, you'd want to be able to specify not only tweets by symbol ($XYZ) but also filter them by a select list of @handles for people whose tweets the user is interested in.


Example : Plot tweets on $XYZ based on handles (@vrtrader64, @medved, @benbernanke)






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2 answers to this question

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1) We don't currently have Twitter integration, so at the very least, this would have to wait until after that (once Share system is done)

2) how do you tell that a tweet is about a stock?


1) yes


2) usually people use $xyz where xyz is a stock symbl - I don't know if you can use the Twitter API to fetch tweets by that search key, but the search function in twitter does let you find tweets by symbol per that convention.

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