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The number of days for intraday market data


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Jerry, What I love about MT, what I welcome the most as to MT, what I'm most grateful for in MT is the significantly increased number of days as to intraday market data.


However, believe it or not, the new 120-day limitation is an annoyance to me. In other words, I wish I didn't have to face that 120-day limitation..

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> There are practical limitations - With more data, things get bogged down.

Yes, I understand, and what you're saying does make sense.

However, how about giving us, users, the ability to override this
limitation of 120? No, not during market hours... but after the markets
are closed, when it's nice and quiet, when we just want to back test
an idea, to see if it would've worked in the past 999 days?


P.S. Jerry, I do appreciate the time and effort you and your guys put into designing and coding the most recent revision Medved Trader.
        However, I don't have to give you any feedback, and you guys don't have to improve, re-design, or re-code anything at all.
        What I would like to se is that - compared to Quote Tracker - your Medved Trader is a better product in every way, shape and form.
        Additionally, let's keep in mind that, by definition, 'all' bug reports tend to be and are supposed to be negative,
        The issue is that, as to negative stuff, it's human nature that we often fail to see the good intention(s) behind it.
        Jerry, I sincerely would like to see that you are able to sell your (new MT) software to stockbrokers such as TD Ameritrade.
        Jerry, I would like to see that you succeed, and that your MT is better than your QT. -- Rob

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the limitation is at a very low level, so cannot dynamically increase it. Plus, its not just an issue of increasing the max. There is also the issue of getting the data. The datafeeds don't have 999 days of intraday backfill data :)


Jerry, May I suggest you guys go to that very low level, and change the maximum number of days to be as high as possible.

Of course it doesn't have to be exactly 999.

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