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Alert fired but Intraday chart not correct?


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Morning, I did the upgrade either yesterday or day before, not sure but I had an intraday chart alert go off just now.


I used the alert bottom right to click chart, and it opened up as 5 years, 1 day? As well as when I then went up and set to 10 day and custom frequency, all lower indicators are missing that was my default yet trendlines drawn exist still




Update, as it seems to just this one chart? As I can open other list symbols right click-open intraday and indicators are fine. as also with historical

Edited by ChartGod
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Doing in now sir, and another thing driving me nuts and have not reported it yet, as when I Alt-Tab to switch between programs, example to stay here and get back to MT, Once there and I then Alt-Tab to snap into Firefox, it stays MT and switched between MT jazz Portfolio open and the MT Dashboard

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ALT Tab from FF to MT - OK.  Then when doing ALT TAB back - are you doing ALT+ one tab? or multiple tabs? Reason I ask - when you are on MT and hit ALT TAB, multiple MT windows show up in the Alt Tab list. so to get to FF, you would have to hit TAB a few times while holding down the ALT

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