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Average Volume


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This isn't a big deal, just something I noticed today.

In Portfolios, MT is evidently overriding Average Volume with its own calculation even though the data field is available from IQFeed.  I notice it when I clear the data for a symbol and see the Average Volume value change to IQFeed's value for the field.

So, if you enter a new symbol into a portfolio, it appears to populate the Average Volume with MT's calculation.  If you then clear the data for that symbol, it populates it with the value from IQFeed (which uses 4 weeks of data).  However, as soon as you click on the symbol in the portfolio again (causing a backfill to its charts), it again reverts the value back to MT's calculation.

You can see IQFeed's Average Volume value in its "IQWatchQuote" app within its Display Apps (Down toward the bottom right of its window.).  Available when you right-click the IQFeed Connection Manager in the system tray.

How many days does MT use in its calculation of Average Volume?



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