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Portfolio % symbol in rows



This may be something that just hasn’t been implemented yet. I’m setting up a default portfolio in MT and would like to have the choice of having the Ch% and G% columns show the % symbol on each row like I have them in QT. For me it keeps it from being a sea of numbers when these columns are next to the Ch$ and G$.


Thanks, Dave

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Maybe I don't my memory is going, but I don't remember any such option in QuoteTracker. We had an option to omit the +/- sign but nothing with the % sign. And QT does not show % for Gain % or Value Change %.  Having that just wastes space and we strive to provide as much info within the limited space as possible

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Hi Jerry, thanks for the quick response. In QT I've always used (and am still using) the ones that are set up as double columns. The one is called Value Change and the other is just labeled Gain, but both of these have two columns under them. Under Value Change the left column shows a number like +1.45% and the right column just shows 32. Under Gain the left column shows a number like -1.11% and the right column shows -25.


I don't need this to be duplicated just as it is in QT, but I'm very used to seeing the % symbol on each row. What would work fine is just to offer the %G and %Ch columns with an alternate that shows the % symbol on each row. Would take up less column space than what I'm using in QT, and no more space than a couple of narrow columns that are just a bit wider than what you have in MT now.

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