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single regression channels


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Ver 1.1.8500.2 x86   Intraday charts works fine.   Problem only with Historical charts. Single regression channels,  when using edit parameters and selecting width, the width lines disappear.  The only way to move a width line to a specific place on the chart is to:  edit width, close the edit  box, look to see if line is in desired place, and if not, reopen edit box, move line again, rinse, repeat.  Width line needs to remain visible throughout the editing process as it is with the intraday charts and used to be with the historical charts.

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Just checked here - do not see any issue. May be some internal error occurring. I need to get the log file to see what the problem is. Please do the following:

Go to FILE / HELP => Send Log/Settings to support menu (from Dashboard or Portfolio)

And add this Post’s URL in the comment.  Do not check any check-

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With the previous Ver. of MT with upper and lower lines  clear, when the center line was moused over, and the upper and lower lines would appear,  right clicking on the center line to pop up the edit parameters box, the upper and lower  white lines,  would remain visible throughout the process. Now  right clicking the center line causes the upper and lower lines to disappear.  Can you make the new ver. MT function like the previous Ver. functioned?  Having the upper and lower lines anything other than clear will triple the number of lines on my already cluttered chart.  If nothing changes, I may use almost background colored upper and lower lines just so they  remain visible while adjusting .   Whats bad is all the lines might converge near the same point.


Looked again at the  intraday  and see they now function the  same as the historical when clear is selected for the upper and lower lines.  Mousing over the center line and right clicking makes the upper and lower lines disappear. 

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