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Y axis padding



I would like to be able to add padding to the Y axis without having to scale the size of the bars.

On a gap day for example, I would like to be able to just drag the chart as it exists up or down without changing the size of the bars.

If I remember correctly there was a feature in Quote tracker that let me do this. It was the little up and down arrows on the Y scale.


If it were possible to add a similar feature like you have already added to the x axis where you can simply drag the timeline to add extra space, but do this to the Y axis as well would be great.



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MT has that. Just right click on the Y Axis and select Absolute scaling. A popup will come up with some options. Jut hit OK to take the defaults.  Now just use the keyboard up/down arrows to move the chart



Alternately, when the chart is in absolute mode, you will see an UP/Down arrow  on the Y axis. Click and drag it up/down to shift the chart.  NOTE: if you click above or below that up/down icon and move up/down, you will be changing the size of the absolute scale window.

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Hi again,

this feature is working well for me in terms of adding space to my charts, but now the problem is that  I can't keep it locked on absolute.

Every time I switch to another chart symbol it goes back to dynamic pad, which is what I had it set on before. Is there a way to make absolute the default?


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that is done intentionally - absolute value would differ from symbol to symbol,  The display window on GOOG would have much different range than on HEB.


I know what you are referring to though. having a fixed % added space adjustment. would have to think about how to add that.

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when you switch symbols within a chart, the chart settings stay the same, with the exception of any symbol specific settings. So if you set it to absolute, change symbols, the absolute switches to Dynamic.  When you switch back to original symbol, the current chart setting is "Dynamic" and that stays. So now you have the original symbol with Dynamic Y axis. I checked and that is the same way it works in QT, for the same reason.


The only way to add space on a chart and have the space stay there for multiple symbols is the Dynamic with Padding option, but then that would be there for any new symbol you enter into the chart as well

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Hi,    I am not tying to be difficult here, but I am just trying to understand. It sounds like you are saying that whatever the current chart is set to,  will be the default when you switch to

another chart.

 My old default was dynamic, I switched it to absolute on IWM, then changed symbols to QQQ which came up as dynamic, so I switched that to absolute. So I thought the default settings on both charts should now be set at absolute. When I changed back to the IWM it didn't retain the last default setting as absolute,  it set back to dynamic.


Are you saying that Dynamic is always the default, and even if I set all charts in my portfolio to absolute,  they would always switch back to dynamic?


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don't worry about seeming "difficult". You aren't :)


the chart tries to keep the same settings, with the exception of anything that is Symbol Specific.  The Absolute setting on the Y axis is considered symbol specific, so when you switch symbols it gets reset to Default, which is dynamic.  Then when you make another switch, current setting is dynamic and thus stays that way.

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one more try and then I will drop this ( I promise!)

Is it possible  to add the same feature of adding extra padding to the Y axis as you have on the x axis (dragging the timeline).  That would be part of the chart settings so should stay constant when you changed

symbols, like it does on the x axis.

When I switch charts in other programs like IB the same problem with the scaling happens, so I know it is not an easy challenge, but I was just hoping you could figure out something for MT as it is a feature

that would be really great to have



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