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I am monitoring some US stocks in premarket with TDA feed and I see some issues in the QuoteGrid.


1) Stocks with NO volume yet in today's premarket (FBGX) show "leftover" data from previous day: Open/High/Low/Close/Volume/#Trades/Avg Trade,Gap,Range. Should be blank until first trade of current session ?


2) Stocks that DO have volume in premarket do not populate the #Trades column (AAPL, BABA, etc.). Should show # of trades that occurred in premarket ?


3) Market Cap and Shares Outst. fields are zero for all stocks except FBGX in this example.


See screencap here: mbAFqOt.png








1) Resetting the volume, High, Low, etc, is done by the datafeed. TDA doesn't do it until new trades come in on the new day. Nothing we can do about that.


2) # of trades is not provided by all datafeeds. TDA definitely does not have it.  You must have been using some other datafeed to get it on FBGX


3) Same as #2


1) Resetting the volume, High, Low, etc, is done by the datafeed. TDA doesn't do it until new trades come in on the new day. Nothing we can do about that.


2) # of trades is not provided by all datafeeds. TDA definitely does not have it.  You must have been using some other datafeed to get it on FBGX


3) Same as #2


1) Can you think about using the time/date of the last quote to zero-out rows in the QuoteGrid that are not from the current session?


2) I am not using another feed for FBGX or any other US symbols (but I do have Stockwatch feed active for symbols that have :CA suffix). I don't see how I could have the #trades field populated for just one symbol and not others via the TDA Feed. 


3) same as #2.


1) no - that creates far more problems since the datafeed still sends data with not-reset values and not going to try to reconcile it


2 and 3 - that is the only way those values could have been filled in. 

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