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QuoteGrid tabs



Right now, too much of my screen real estate is used by multiple QuoteGrid windows.


When tracking many symbols it would better to keep multiple QuoteGrids in a single tabbed window. 


Three existing MT alternatives to tabs that I can think of are not optimal :


1) Minimizing/maximizing QuoteGrids is time-consuming and requires lots of mouse movement.


2) Using the dashboard to bring-to-front / close requires the dashboard to be open, which takes screen real estate. It is also slow. Finally, it does not allow minimizing - only closing - which shuts off data for that QuoteGrid.


3) Adding a Portfolio selector to the QAT defeats a feature of MT that enables mixing data sources in one QuoteGrid. (I followed your suggestion for mixing data feeds, using a "non-started" grid for the hybrid display. This would stop working if I switched through QAT dropdown list.)


So, please add this (low priority request) to the wishlist: make QuoteGrids dockable to a parent window and accessible via tabs; and allow individual QuoteGrid instances to be separable from the main tab window container, for those who like to keep things spread out on their screen(s).


Thank you.

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OK, I tried subgroups, and already found two things that make them hard-to-use with long lists:


1) scrolling through the list to find the [-] / [+] symbol to minimize the subgroup is tedious.


2) sorting by column sorts all subgroups - if the quotegrids were on separate tabs they would retain their sort order


Will you consider a tabbed / dockable QuoteGrid container ?

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