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Showing and hiding MT from taskbar and scroll direction



Please could you add the facility to show Medved Trader, when hidden behind other screens, by clicking on the MT icon in the task bar. Also please add the facility to hide again by clicking again. I think Quotetracker did this and most other software allows you to do this.

Please could the action of moving the scroll button down on my mouse move the screen down not up as happens at the moment. Again my request is the way that QT used to work. Or give an option if people like it the way it is, I find it counter intuitive at present.


Many thanks

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Many thanks for the reply.

Unfortunately for me clicking on the MT icon doesn't work, every other icon that I have on my PC works, I.e Firefox, email etc, including if I try QT.

Regarding the mouse scroll wheel, I have checked with QT and QT works how I like it, as does Excel and firefox but MT doesn't, it goes the other way for me. I have windows 8.1. Can you try MT out and then try say Firefox please to check?

Would it be possible to include an option to have the mouse wheel scroll going the other direction, just to keep me happy!?

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No, cannot change the direction of the scroll. That is very much a core part of windows and everyone is used to it being the way it is. I have compared MT scroll handling to Chrome, Firefox, Outlook and QT - it handles things exact same way.


If I have a large portfolio and right now it is at the very top and on the mouse, I put the finger at the top of the wheel and scroll it down, the portfolio scrolls so all the symbols scroll up, so you can see lower part of the portfolio.  This is standard handling. Are you getting something different?


As for the bring to front functionality, we are making a new dashboard right now and that involves some changes to the way stuff is handled. I will check on that.

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This is very strange!

Like I say, QT works fine as does my firefox etc. In QT if I have a large portfolio and I put my finger on the the top of the wheel and then pull my finger towards me, I see the lower part of the portfolio, this is the way Firefox works for me too. With MT if I do what I have just descibed nothing happens as I have to reverse the direction. It's a very minor point I know. You are the expert, I know nothing about programming, but why is it OK for me for QT but not MT?

Perhaps someone else would be kind enough to test out the scroll wheel direction?

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I looked at our code - the only place where MT handles the mouse wheel itself is on the chart.  On portfolios, it is just letting default functionality occur.  


I checked myself on a Windows 8.1 machine and also had others check on their systems. Works fine.  This leads me to believe that it is something very specific to your computer.  What kind of mouse do you have? Can you check your Windows Control panel for the mouse. You may have some application specific settings there for MT, reversing the wheel. 

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