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Historical Daily OHLC Bar Chart on Weekends missing last trading day

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I've seen this problem for some time, but thought it was a data problem with IQFeed until I looked further today.  For historical OHLC bar charts with the frequency set to "1 day", the last trading day only shows the close price for the last trading day (Friday) when looking at the chart on weekends (The Open, Low, High and volume are missing on the chart and the show trace information shows zero for volume and the close price is shown as the value for the High, Low, Open and Close.)  When I click on the "Historical data" for the chart, the information in that window is correct, its just not showing correctly on the chart.  Clearing the data, and doing a backfill makes no difference.  Please see example for the XIN chart and historical data below for 2/27/2015:






Please let me know if you need any other information from me.




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ok found the issue. Has to do with the realitme updates and thie code that determines if it should be used. Because there IS a quote for 27th but it has zero volume, high, low, it is NOT used in the Historical data display, but on the chart, the code was a bit different, so the quote data updated the most current day even though the volume, high, low were reset. which is why you saw the difference.


Fixed, will be in next update.

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