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Everything posted by texar

  1. Hi Jerry, Is it possible to get solid highlights on bid and ask in the raw data window? So far I am only able to get solid highlights on the volume column. Bid and ask are framed red or green, but I find the solid highlighting much more helpful as a visual aid, Thanks in advance.
  2. I am not familiar with wiki markups but it sounds like a reasonable alternative to traditional "Help":
  3. Hi Mike and Jerry, i) Chart prices: the price line on my MT charts is red when the price is falling and green when it is rising. Is there anyway to get the price line in a single color, say yellow? ii) On, for example, a "current day /1 min" chart: is there any way to vary the chart settings so the volume bars are a thinner? Thanks a lot in advance!
  4. Just saw this. Cool thanks.,
  5. Belated happy holidays to all QTers and MTers and thanks to Jerry and Mike for developing MT!
  6. Hi Jerry, thanks for the quick response. Culture is "German", Data feed is IB. Stock symbols: e.g. GERN, YAHOO, MSFT
  7. Hi, MT looks really great and I am really enjoying testing it. I have the following problem: stock prices associated with the symbols displayed in any portfolio are always a hundred times too big. Example: a stock trading at 3.84 is showing 384.00. I have tried changing the settings for price in the "Settings" menu, but can't seem to find the right formula to get it to work. What am I doing wrong? Thanks a lot.
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