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Medved Trader Forums

Jerry Medved

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Everything posted by Jerry Medved

  1. Mike claims to have found "THE" cause for these errors with the VbP. fix will be in the next build
  2. that one is actually a little different than the other and we were able to recreate it once we tried TWTR (the no data issue). So should be fixed for next build
  3. We will try to configure at least the one that were available in QT for trading, though most likely will have at least two that weren't available in QT. I cannot make promises though. For quotes - don't know. We will be configuring as many as we can. The current list is intentionally small until we get all the kinks out.
  4. Just enabled facebook integration for these message boards. You can now link your facebook account to your forum account here, or if you don't have an account here, you can now create one via FB. From what I can tell, when you first login, it FB may say that the app (this message board) wants to post something on your behalf, but it seems that is just a step in order to login. Nothing is actually posted from what I can see. Will enable Twitter next
  5. will be fixed in the next build
  6. Just checked. The quotes are being read in OK (MT stores everything in UTC)., So the issue seems to be at the point where it converts to the local timezones. We were able to reproduce the issue. Looking into it. Thanks for the report
  7. next build either addresses it, or adds some logging that would help ID the issue. After the next update, let me know if you still get this, and if so, email me the log. Thanks
  8. Just put up a new version (1.0.699.1214) that fixes a bunch of stuff with IB quotes and backfill, among other things. Also set the install to run MT with minimal logging enabled,
  9. FYI - we are still fixing some things with IB - like volume being off by x100. and also some backfill merge issues, where if you have any existing data and you backfill, you may get a gap for current day.
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