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Everything posted by mb4x4

  1. Hi guys, This Paid column looks to be the cost basis for the current position including broker fees. Is there data for another column which is the AvgCost of the actual entry/fill prices, excluding fees? The problem is broker fees vary, sometimes significantly, depending on route/share size etc. and I target entries and exits by exact price levels. It's a bit confusing sometimes hitting the Ask at an exact price, or setting a limit order, but seeing the Paid column show an unexpected price because of fees. Also is it possible to show the P&L columns with whole/decimal values as opposed to rounded whole? Thanks in advance
  2. mb4x4


    OK great, was afraid it may have been due to the feed itself. Thanks
  3. mb4x4


    Awesome thx. One difference I've noticed where QuoteMedia > dxFeed is there are no corporate events for the indicator to plot with DX. A minor thing but is something that was great info to have with QM.
  4. mb4x4


    So there does appear to be a max symbol limit of 4000, far more than anyone should need however. Very happy with the dxFeed consolidated so far.
  5. mb4x4


    The no limit on symbols is huge. Currently on the QuoteMedia $28 plan, will be testing dxFeed today. Thanks for the info guys.
  6. Hi guys, Assuming additional halt data is exposed via data source APIs such as Halt Reason/Imbalance Vol/Imbalance Price, would it be possible to display that somewhere on Level 2? Maybe this can be added as a very thin Panel option? These values are very active during halts as orders queue up, can be extremely helpful in determining if resumption will be bearish/bullish. Thanks
  7. A bit more digging, it appears Sterling Trader Pro which is what I used before DAS, also centers its fill markers which explains why I'm so familiar with that look. Yes it's a small thing but for visual people like myself it can make a big difference in "flow state" trading. I know quite a few traders looking to ditch their expensive brokers (using DAS/Sterling) so I think this will be a common request at some point. Would be great to at least have the option. Thanks Not my screenshot... just a Sterling example.
  8. Yes, good point. Having them at exact locations on the X axis does give more precise info on trade. For some reason it's just throwing me off, I figured after a couple of months of MT I'd have adjusted. Would it be possible to implement a "centered" option in settings (turned OFF by default) for those familiar with centered markers? If not that's fine, it'll just take more time. Thanks
  9. P.s... I used DAS for years and no other platform could convince me to leave, until MT. Great job guys.
  10. Thanks Mike. I'm a recent MT convert coming over from DAS Trader which centers fill arrows so I guess it's throwing me off more than I would have thought. I do think having them centered keeps charts much cleaner but I guess I'm alone in that thinking if no one has mentioned it hah. Thanks
  11. Hey guys, Any way to make the fill arrows centered on intraday candlesticks? They're all over the place, often just floating out in space. I've check all the settings, am I missing something? Thanks
  12. Didn't know that existed, and yep exactly what I needed! Thanks
  13. Hey guys, Would it be possible to get a split indicator for historical charts? For example using thinkscript you can add a GetSplitDenominator variable to ToS which adds vertical lines on the daily wherever splits took place. It would be a bonus to have the split ratio included too (1:3, 3:1, etc). This is SUPER helpful for small caps that are always propping up their stock prices with reverse splits. Thanks Couple of examples...
  14. Perfect! LULD updating now. Thank you
  15. Ah OK thanks for the info. For now I'm using two separate Level 2 windows, top is QM data (for tick-by-tick L1 data/LULD) and bottom is TDA data for L2 depth. The only issue with this setup is the LULD data doesn't refresh automatically so I have to manually click away to another ticker then back. The LULD data is correct it just doesn't update. Trading halts is my specialty so is there any way to have this update when the LULD band changes? Thanks
  16. Signed up for QM Level 1 data (NASDAQ/NYSE/AMEX) as I didn't see an option for Level 2 data. Will this be an option sometime in the future, would be great to have TotalView support? For the time being, is it possible to have the MT Level 2 window display all of top of book depth with a Level 1 subscription? Right now the Level 2 depth is blank when using QM as the source so have to use it for backfills/portfolios/etc and TDA for Level 2 depth. Thanks
  17. Thanks. Just curious why it's happening in the first place even during regular market hours. When I pull up a new ticker the charts auto backfill but there's very often missing candles so I have to manually finish the backfill. Not sure if there's a setting I'm missing.
  18. FYI it happens no matter the time of day (pre/open/post).
  19. I also have missing candles/gaps as well. If I manually backfill then the candles do eventually appear but sometimes it takes a few clicks to get them. This happens pretty regularly so am constantly backfilling manually. Any ideas? Thanks Using Quotestream as data source but it happens with any source.
  20. Thanks Mike very good to hear, definitely looking forward to this dxFeed integration then. For now I'm using the LULD indicator on MT charts which is great btw, but having the exact bands on Level 2 would be phenomenal. Is there a ballpark estimate on when it will be integrated? If not that's fine. Thanks in advance. -Mike
  21. Hi, I see the option "Show LULD" in the Level 2 settings, my question is which of the currently supported data providers will provide LULD levels? I know TD and IB Level 2 feeds do not. Thanks
  22. 4AM-7AM premarket data is what's in question, the chart you posted also does not show this data. I just tried again and IB has 4AM-7AM data, TD does not. Posting screen grabs the one with 4AM data is IB, the other TDA. Also sent log file.
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