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Payment methods?


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I really like Medved Trader and I would happy to purchase it with the annual subscription. But, did I understand correctly that the only payment method is using a credit card?? For me, and many other also, I think,  giving credit card information on any internet page is a big no-no, and clearly a showstopper for the purchase. So my question is; is there any other method available? I would be happy to pay with Paypal or by sending Bitcoins etc.



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Hi again,

I've been sending you mail about this issue all over again thru my hotmail- address in outlook.com, but it seems that support@medvedtrader.com cannot be reached?? I've tried if 5 times now during the week, but I always just get this kind of an error:

MailEnable: Message could not be delivered to some recipients.
The following recipient(s) could not be reached:

        Recipient: [SMTP:MedvedTrader1@gmail.com]
        Reason: 550 5.7.1 [CS] Message blocked.

Any idea for the reason for this? It's weird that the error message shows an address MedvedTrader1@gmail.com, when I've always used a address support@medvedtrader.com in  my mail's recipient- field...?

But my actual questions (that I tried to mail to you) was that can I use Paypal account with an Amex attached to it, or is there some problem with the fees etc.?


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There is a redirect. Don't know why you are being blocked though. Weird. I will add you to white list and emailed you. 

If you are going to use Amex, why not just use that directly via our signup page? Note that we do not store the CC#. That is handled by our credit card processor (Authorize.net) which is one of the largest. So security should not be an issue.

We can do Paypal but really prefer not to. And if so, only for annual.

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Well this is strange; now when I replied to your email, I once again got on error that message could not be sent:

Remote Server returned '550 5.7.520 Message blocked because it contains content identified as spam. AS(4567)'


Does this mean that your email system thinks that my emails are spam, or that MS's emails system identifies your address as a spam??


Anyway, the question that I've been trying to ask thru email is about this: "from bank account only please, otherwise excessive fees". What does that actually mean? I'm I not allowed to pay thru Paypal, if my account is using an Amex?

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if you wish to use Amex through Paylal, then add $4. Otherwise, between the credit card fee and the international fee, Paypal charges up the wazoo. 

As for email - very odd. I have you whitelisted, so shouldnt happen. Maybe you can send me private message here with the exact details, headers, copy/paste content of the bounce.

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