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TDA upgrading their API


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For people who have their own code that uses the "old" TDA API, (as I do) you need to be aware of this. I'm not worried about MT, I know Jerry and Mike will take care of it.

But a question about TDA's new authentication scheme. I currently run 2 instances of MT on 2 different machines against TDA. With their new authentication scheme, will I be able to continue to do that? Or will I only be able to run 1 instance against TDA at a time? 


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I removed the link - not accessible to me.  Please copy the content. 

I am familiar with their new API. I don't see any change in it that would effect multiple logins.  The trading API should always allow multiple. As for streaming, that never actually was supposed to. The fact that it does is a bit of a loophole and that is not likely to change.

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Content of TDA's message about their upgrade:       The link is "apiforums dot tdameritrade dot com". If that helps.


PLEASE NOTE: This board is no longer accepting new registrations. This board is for developers approved for the previous version of the TD Ameritrade XML-based API.

In order to modernize our technology and further improve our security practices, we are replacing our client-facing XML-based API. We have already released a new and more secure API available through our Developer Portal (https://developer.tdameritrade.com), which all API clients must migrate to if they wish to continue utilizing our services. This new API provides a wider range of capabilities such as expanded historical data, quotes for other products like Futures and Forex, and a more secure authentication system. 

In order to provide users ample opportunity to complete a migration to our new API, the old API drawdown will occur in two phases:

Phase 1: Authentication Update (Now through December 31, 2019)

By the end of the year, all users must update their platforms to authenticate through our token-based system even if they remain on the old API. This will provide more security between your application and a TD Ameritrade account. The requests, responses, and behavior of all other non-login related APIs will remain the same once a session is established. 

Here is a link to a guide that will provide more information: https://developer.tdameritrade.com/content/phase-1-authentication-update-xml-based-api/

*As of January 1, 2020, any applications NOT using this authentication flow will no longer gain access through our API. 

Phase 2: API Migration (January 1, 2020 through June 30, 2020)

At the end of this phase, all applications must be transitioned from our old API endpoints to the new API available through our Developer Portal. This API uses the same authentication method as described above, through a different endpoint. Significant documentation on the new API is currently available at the Developer Portal site now, this will continue to expand over the course of the rollout. 

Although we have broken this down to two phases, you are welcome and encouraged to complete the full migration to the new API as soon as you are ready. Please do not hesitate to contact us at API@TDAmeritrade.com for more information. 


TD Ameritrade API Team

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