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Ichimoku Cloud and/or TTM Squeeze? Workspace tabs?



Hey Jerry and Mike, first and foremost I want to say THANK YOU for deciding to create this new trading platform. I’ve been using QT for many years and am truly excited to find there’s a “next generation” on the way. And let me also say that in my mind QT is unsurpassed in its brilliant design, intuitive interface, and ease of use. I’ve tried other platforms and nothing even comes close. I don’t think you’ve ever really received the credit due for how awesome it really is – every time I do something as simple as snap charts together, set a trendline alert, or add my own P&L columns to a portfolio list I’m very aware of how much thought you put into it. And it looks like the timing is perfect too, as TDA seems to now be in the process of killing QT with “a thousand paper cuts”.


So, my requests? I believe that you’re planning to incorporate all of QT’s functionality in MT, so that’s a HUGE winner right off the top. I currently keep TOS open only to sometimes watch indicators like Ichimoku Cloud and TTM Squeeze, and the NYSE Trin and Tick charts in all timeframes, so of course it would be great if they were all incorporated into MT – but I know that might be tricky with TTM, since I believe it’s proprietary. Maybe having desktop workspace “tabs” something like Excel would be pretty useful.  The only other things that come to mind are visual… might be good to make the stripes on the black portfolio option stand out more. And don’t know whether at some point you’ll be doing some kind of general overall updated “look” for the platform, but I’m sure that could be cool.

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Hi Zenlando,


TTM Squeeze - We may or may not be able to add it to MT directly, but seems that someone added it to QT via paintbars. If so, at some point when we add the functionality, it would be doable in MT as well.


workspace tabs only work when you have something like container windows. MT is keeping the same style as QT - all windows are free floating so they can be moved around only monitor, intermingled with other windows.


Stripes -- there are a number of different "black" color schemes available. Some have more distinct stripes

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