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Total Rows & News Light Bulb



I found a way not to have the subtotal rows but there is no way to turn off the total row.  The issue is that it changes position with sort and does not stay at the top or bottom.


I know this is still beta so a lot of features are not there. One thing I notice is that the new light bulb is blocking the symbols.

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total row cannot be removed on Simple Portfolio.  It doesn't show on Watchlist.  As for position, the total row doesn't change. It is always at the top or bottom, depending on the settings, regardless of sort. If you have it changing with the sort, please export your settings and email them to me. 


As for news bulb, I think that is only if there are no news bulbs on any symbols in the portfolio and a new one comes in. Will check.

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Portfolio vs Watchlist:

Did a search on Help to find out what the difference is between a Portfolio and a Watchlist. Am I not allowed to "watch" a portfolio?

Found three entries of this "portfolio/watchlist" result which infers they are the same thing. Found two other Help entries for "watchlist" but always connected to "Portfolio"; so again, could be the same thing. But, in the context of the next paragraph below, they apparently aren't the same, at least in a small way.

Why would I care? Because I was trying to figure out how to get rid of the Total row because I have no use for it because it is far easier (I think) and better to keep track of my monetary position within Excel -- so, I would just like to delete the Total row because it uses space that could be put to better use. But then I see the comment in an earlier message (above) that the Total row can't be removed in a simple portfolio and it doesn't exist in a watchlist. Really? What's a Watchlist, and what makes that and a Portfolio different?

Without any useful help on Watchlist in the Help file, I decided to enter a new portfolio and see if the word "Watchlist" appears. I'll be damned -- there it is! Well, I couldn't figure out how to change an existing Portfolio into a Watchlist, so I created a similar portfolio name and manually entered all the same symbols ... would rather push a button to make the change. Boom! -- now I have a Watchlist with all the same symbols and no Total row.

Great! Now I'm wondering what I could have used the Total Row for. I did a search of Help for the word "Total" also but didn't find anything that told me directly what it does, so I guess it does something if I do something else first and I'm not interested now in trying to figure out what that other thing is, but I really think that a search of Help ought to go directly to a short paragraph that says exactly when it's used and what it does. And it wouldn't hurt to also explain the other differences (if there are any) between a Watchlist and a Portfolio, and why I can't change it from one to the other more simply by just pushing a button or check-marking a selection.

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"Watchlist is just a list of symbols." Just symbols? Not exactly. It's got a lot more than just symbols. It has everything else I look at, which I limit to seven columns.

Should I ask, "what else does a watchlist have that a watchlist doesn't have"?

As it turns out, I should have searched for watch*.

Thanks for the humor.

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