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Jerry Medved

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Everything posted by Jerry Medved

  1. Stockwatch fundamental data is returning High of 38, low of 27. Will report it to them.
  2. yes, definitely. Emailed you
  3. You can just set the timeframe to "GLOBEX Regular Hours" without showing extended hours
  4. this will be in the next udpate
  5. we may add it in the future. Right now the tile panel with the ribbon and status bar hidden is the closest thing.
  6. I recreated it. Will have Mike look. Thanks
  7. I saved the link and the request for future features
  8. QT and MT are completely different programs. No overlap. We wrote MT from scratch using a different programming language (C#)
  9. its in the email that I sent you. since our site is not up yet and MT is beta, we do not yet publish the link publicly
  10. emailed you. Basically, we wrote QuoteTracker way back when... then sold it to TD Ameritrade. Now that we are no longer connected to TD Ameritrade or QuoteTracker, we decided to write a new trading platform, particularly since TDA basically killed QT. So, Medved Trader is lots of things QT was, and then some. If you know QT, MT should be very familiar. And yes, IQFeed is supported.
  11. would have to check with IQFeed about that. I can only help if it doesn't work in MT. Want to get the new stuff? (MT)
  12. emailed you. You can use Yahoo Delayed, or get subscription to one of the paid sources for data (or use a supported broker). Right now we support RBC and Interactive Brokers as far as Canadian brokers, but may add others. I posted currently supported list here: http://forums.medvedtrader.com/index.php?/topic/1249-about-data-sources/?hl=quotemedia#entry6968
  13. No, we do not currently support BMO
  14. most likely - that site changed the pages that QT was using. Being that QT is no longer updated (we don't have anything to do with it - it is TD Ameritrade's baby now, that is being drowned), we cannot update anything. We do not currently support BMO though if delayed is OK, you can use Yahoo. Let me know if you want to get a copy of MT.
  15. Smilin, I emailed you. As far as MT functionality, the only thing we don't currently have with TDA is the most actives. Trading, Level I & II, backfill and trading works and I would say is pretty thoroughly tested.
  16. We had a lot longer to implement stuff in QT (12 years) and a lot of the sites were just snapshot quotes. Scottrade never cooperated. We reverse engineered their datafeed back when we were with QT. Then at some point they changed protocols. QT doesn't work with Scottrade either. E*Trade - yes, that was reverse engineered too. Now though they have an API so really don't want to have to kludge it when they are supposed to get us the API. but it has been an extremely long wait Schwab - just snapshot quotes, so not really worth it at this time Google - real-time quotes only have limited data - not enough for what MT needs.
  17. in the program itself, but otherwise, I can give it here: NOTE: for Option Chains, for now it is Option selector. Will be full option chains once MT supports it TD Ameritrade - Level I, L II, Backfill, Trading, Option Chains ARCA Snapshot - Level II ASX (Australian) - Level I (Delayed), News, Option Chains BELL Direct (Australian) - Level I, Level II, Backfill COMMSEC (Australian) - Level I, Level II DIRECTA (Italian) - Level I E*TRADE (Australian) - Level I, Level II Google - Backfill, News, Option Chains IB - Level I, L II, Backfill, Trading, Option Chains IQFeed - Level I, L II, Backfill, News, Option Chains MB Trading (NOT YET RELEASED) - Level I, L II, Backfill, Trading, Option Chains Money.net - Level I, Backfill, Option Chains OpenMarkets (Australian - NOT YET RELEASED) QuoteMedia (NOT YET RELEASED) - Level I, L II, Backfill, Option Chains RBC (Canadian) - Level I StockWatch - Level I (including ATS), L II, Backfill, News, Option Chains The Fly On The Wall - News TradeKing - Level I, Backfill, News, Trading, Option Chains Tradier - Level I, Backfill, Trading, Option Chains TradingRoom (Australian) - Backfill Yahoo - Level I (Delayed), Backfill, News
  18. Schwab - maybe will change once they finish the integration with optionsXpress. Who knows. For now no go. Scottrade - never cooperated (same with QT) E*Trade - we can configure trading, but not data. We kind of wanted to get the data before spending the time on it.
  19. I see. We do not currently support those, though do plan to add E*Trade (waiting forever for them to get us needed API for streaming market data). for now you can use either delayed quotes from Yahoo, or get a subscription datafeed to use with MT from: IQFeed: http://www.iqfeed.net Money.net: http://www.money.net Stockwatch: http://www.stockwatch.com/User/Subscribe.aspx
  20. Just emailed you. Which brokerage or datafeed do you use?
  21. Change the Max Candle Width to be higher than the Min OHLC Width. If that doesnt fix, could you send me a picture of the chart and maybe another with what you would rather have, as well as your settings for: Min OHLC Width Max OHLC Width Max Candle Width - for OHLC, this controls the Open/Close hash marks
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