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Jerry Medved

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Posts posted by Jerry Medved

  1. the user settings are not stored int eh app location. in fact, MT supports multiple users, based both on Windows login AND based on application login.  So if you log out of MT and login with a different account, that account will have its own settings. only thing they will share is the data.

  2. the version we just released has full implementation of Export/Import settings with a few options

    1) for the currently logged in user only - this is used as backup. All user settings are exported with the user encryption intact. The files can only be imported and used in the same account as the original files and login would need to be entered (same as any access to the account).  This is a complete backup, including all login information, since everything is stored encrypted. 


    2) for sharing - this option exports everything in the clear - no encryption.  Convenient if you want to share your setup with another user, or want to move it to a different Application Login.  All usernames and passwords are stripped out prior to the data being saved.  This can be imported by anyone with access to the file.


    3) for sharing, with password - same as #2, but a password is assigned to the file.


    NOTE: The export also lets you export Layouts, Column Layouts and Chart Templates.  Keep in mind that all of those are stored in separate files and can be anywhere on the disk. MT just looks at the RECENT ones used, same as what you see in the FILE menu for Layouts for example, and gets the files from those recent locations.  When restoring however, all files (by default) will be restored to the Documents / Medved Trader folder. You can change the destination, though it would impact all such user created files, not one by one.


    There is also an option to include the Data and Log file in the backup. Keep in mind that the Data in particular can be VERY large, so you might not want to include that in your usual backup procedure.  

    This option is also handy if you want to send info to MT Support, since you can include the log file and all the settings in a way that is easy for us to just import into MT in order to see exactly how to recreate whatever issue you are reporting.




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  3. I did find one issue with Yahoo HIst Backfill for AU stocks where the data would be shifted one day back.  That doesn't however explain the future date. right click on one of the symbols that shows Dec 24 and select RAW DATA. Does the top row have Dec 24 date?

  4. what are the exact symbols that you are entering into MT, including exchange


    Yahoo backfill - are you referring to intraday or historical? Yahoo doesn't do intraday more than a day



    snapshots - that is something we will implement when we do social. For now you can just hit ALT+PrintScreen to copy the image to the clipboard and then paste it wherever you want,

  5. I'll have to think about this a bit. I don't really see a logical connection between trace link group and linking drawing tools.  However, I do see your point about having to constantly switch tools on each chart and don't want the tail wagging the dog. And if we have the settngs on the charts linked, then maybe they aren't in the right place in the first place?

  6. if you used VOD:LON, BATS:LON and SSE:LON, MT would have properly defaulted the timezone, or even if you would have used VOD:L, BATS:L, SSE:L, it would have worked.  But since you used yahoo native format, MT just treated the whole thing as a symbol and did not have an exchange specified, which is why it got defaulted to US Equities. 


    As for iDealing.com - we would certainly welcome a cooperating UK broker.

  7. Mike - Default timeframe applies to what is shown on the Dashboard status bar as well as any symbols or streamers that do not have a timeframe already selected. Right now all streamers have one selected.  As for symbols, I don't remember of the top of my head.


    Are you using Yahoo? What symbols specifically?


    BTW, you can change the streamer timeframe by clicking on the clock on the status bar

  8. Fidelity and Yahoo do not use the same symbol format or exchange suffixes. Basically, you have to first find the symbol that you want on the datafeed you want to use in MT before it can show you the quotes on it.

  9. You can have both for quotes at the same time if they are in different portfolios. AMTD will only work for US symbols so you can create another portfolio for the Norway stocks and use Yahoo for quotes in that portfolio

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