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Everything posted by stock777

  1. Still seems to be some issue with restarting MT or waking after sleep an the new login, its asking for the credentials each time. Loaded the new beta today
  2. 😄 I know I've mentioned this before , but I keep forgetting to turn on the portfolio SCANS . Should be a no brainer to have a DELAYED Autostart option, say 2-3 minutes after loading. Should be no stress on the loading process at that delay
  3. speaking of slopes, I like the way you implemented the 'inverse' of a line. seems obvious, but I haven't seen it elsewhere. Might be out there, but not in anything I use
  4. I had a log in issue for AMTD this am, but restarting MT seemed to have fixed it .
  5. pretty simple, a minimum volume amount,example (1000) so a 600 share bar doesnt trigger on an average volume of 200 when set to 200% Were you able to see those bogus INFINITY alerts I mentioned ?
  6. Getting a slew of INFINITY triggers. Some div by zero issue ? Also , triggering on indexes. Know I can filter those, but maybe you want to do that by default .
  7. I figured it out, while fooling around and noticed i was enabling brokers I don't use.Checkboxes work , but dont actually toggle visually.
  8. Too bad, for those that don't run multiple vendors, they are looking a stale L2 data., sometimes for a minute or more until a refresh clears it . Are they aware of this problem?
  9. Something I've noticed for quite a while. Maybe you have an idea of what's causing it. Mostly see this in after hours, where the bid or offer is taken out, but does not get removed from the Amtd L2 box. I use the Arca/Nasdaq feed on MT and ib's TWS as a reference. IB is very accurate. So the stale bid or offer sits there on the screen until another trade update or something triggers a refresh Seems like either they are not sending the data or MT is missing it somehow. I've seen this many times. If you want a screen shot, I'll grab one next time I see it.
  10. Should probably make use of that, but would have to append it to an exiting portfolio scan as you can only have one active scan. I know you said you were working on allowing multiple scans .
  11. sent, forgot the url but described the issue in the message
  12. New beta, looks like all the portfolios in the system are selected for NEWS and cant be unselected. Also , seems to have broken my Amertrade news symbol subs. Not working. May be related to above issue
  13. I like the new Volume increase % scan. Should be useful. Two things. I think we need a minimum volume filter to prevent slow stocks with little overall volume from triggering on only a few shares traded., Notice you stop at 999%. No reason to really, Used as a global scan, might want to look for extreme volume over 10x . Thanks for the new features.
  14. In the case of UBER, that's the official closing AUCTION print, which can sometimes be quite a bit different than the print just before 4pm Looking at the largest print within 5 seconds of the close would work most of the time ,but NOT always, to capture the official close. Closing prints are often delayed. Pretty sure that the closing price tag is sent over the Feeds, but not sure MT would have access to that data.
  15. I got ya. I just recently started using the absolute figures , so that explains it
  16. dynamic with padding is resetting to dynamic on symbol change don't think thats suppose to happen
  17. stock777

    IB L2

    shame, the native TWS is quite fast I know I used the DDE version to show ES depth some time ago , and it seemed ok. Surprised its so bad you can't implement it . Too much overhead ?
  18. stock777

    IB L2

    Just noticed Im getting full TOP OF BOOK on TWS market depth trader screen, but getting nothing through MT when source is set to IB Isn't this supported through the api ?
  19. I had Ameritrade switch me over to the 'advanced' server, and now MT is throwing an error for conditional orders Are you aware of an issue with that other server. I tried logging off and on , but didnt make a diff. Straight limit order is ok SERVER RESPONSE: Problem Placing an Order: Conditional Orders are not permitted for accounts in this segment. OTA LEG 1: BUY 6 CRC at LIMIT of 7.31 Day LEG 2: SELL 6 CRC at LIMIT of 7.56 Day
  20. And I've used it, not sure why I haven't been making more use of it . So many features, so little time .
  21. Yeah, really. This was not even a high volume name, and it missed quite a few of the blocks as I was watching . Maybe something like X volume increase over the last X seconds would work better. I know you dont store previous volume. Not sure how you'd do this
  22. Wondering, would too many quotes possibly cause this ? Any way for the scanner code to be bypassed ?
  23. Setting an alert for say, 400 shares, and a 5 second timeout. Getting frequent periods where the alert should fire but doesn't. Looking right at t&s . Seems the trades are being missed for some reason. Seems random.
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