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Several feature requests



I have several requests but as a new user I am overall really enjoying the platform.  These requests would just make it that much better.  I hope you will consider implementing some of these requests in the future. Thank you


Frequency linking on intraday charts. I have 50 small thumbnail charts that I watch and it would be nice to change the frequency of all the charts at once instead of having to do each one separately


I like to capture my trades each day and like to see where I was filled on the chart but the fill  arrows are so big they cover the chart itself. Any way to have the fill arrow be below the entry/exit candle instead of on them or the ability to have no arrow but just the dotted line with the capsule showing # of shares below


Darker title bars/windows on the Dark visual style


Ability to add padding on X-axis because the date and day of week interfere with the intraday timeframe chart early in the mornings


Ability to pre-configure and save bracket orders by stop size


Show Spread value in Level I quote area on Level II window/DOM


Show what Exchange symbol is listed on in Level I quote area on Level II window/DOM


Hovering over symbol in the chart title bar shows company name


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4 minutes ago, Jennifer said:

Frequency linking on intraday charts. I have 50 small thumbnail charts that I watch and it would be nice to change the frequency of all the charts at once instead of having to do each one separately
JM> you can change 1 chart, then on the template tab, look in the dropdown of the Sync Open chart - select the option to sync frequency.  Since you will be doing this frequently, next time, RIGHT Click on the option in the menu and select to "Add to Quick Access Toolbar" and then you can close the toolbar and the option will show in the caption

I like to capture my trades each day and like to see where I was filled on the chart but the fill  arrows are so big they cover the chart itself. Any way to have the fill arrow be below the entry/exit candle instead of on them or the ability to have no arrow but just the dotted line with the capsule showing # of shares below
JM> The arrows are actually on the price in question, but yes, I know what you mean. will see. 

Darker title bars/windows on the Dark visual style
JM> Next beta will have BLACK visual style available. will be adding others in the future.

Ability to add padding on X-axis because the date and day of week interfere with the intraday timeframe chart early in the mornings
JM> That is actually padding on the Y axis. move the mouse over the Y axis, then Click and drag up/down to adjust space

Ability to pre-configure and save bracket orders by stop size
JM> Saved orders will be coming. But meanwhile, go to SETTINGS / TRADING/ ACCOUNTS - select the account in question. then on the right side,  click on the PRICE tab. there you can specify bracket high/low values in points and/or %

Show Spread value in Level I quote area on Level II window/DOM
Show what Exchange symbol is listed on in Level I quote area on Level II window/DOM

JM> We will be adding various capabilities to LII and/or DOM in the near future. remind us after we add LII trading

Hovering over symbol in the chart title bar shows company name
JM> we show the name as a watermark on the chart already 



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On the frequency linking if I follow your directions above won't that change every open chart in the layout?  I have other charts in the layout with multiple timeframes that I don't want the frequency changed on, I only want the frequency of the thumbnail charts changed.  

Anyway to only show the watermark on a particular chart?  I would rather not have it on every chart on my layout.

Thanks for your help and the quick response.

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