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Missing data on yahoo symbol charts

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Yahoo is an auto refresh source. By default it is set to stop auto refresh when outside of "US Markets" regular hours timeframe.  If you are tracking futures or other symbols that use a different timeframe, then you need to change that.  To do that, look on the status bar of the portfolio. See where it says "Market Opens in: "... and time till open? Click on that time. You will get a menu with available timeframes. Select the one you want. CME Globex for example

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Thanks.  Forgot about that "Market Opens in"  settings from the pull down menu that appears clicking there.  Thing is when I go to SETTING / CHARTS / TIMEFRAMES  I see a read only there and no way to do a global change for all portfolios at once.  Seem to have to go to each Portfolio & select US Equity Ext Hours from that lower bar place.   I tried to make the green check mark under User Defined Timeframe to be checked for 2nd on list (US Equity Markets Ext. Hours).  Refuses to change, I guess due to Set as Default on right being READ-ONLY.  How to avoid READ-ONLY?  Is that a lock set elsewhere as a system default?  Thanks.  



READ-ONLY lock for Timeframes.JPG

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