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Calculating number of shares to trade


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I've been using the system for the last few months and have found ways to do most of what I want and the paintbars and scans are great.

Considering using it for entering trade orders (with Interactive Brokers) and was wondering if there was any way to do the following:

I primarily swing trade and my stop if I enter a trade early in the day is normally the low of the day.    I then dictate the # of shares based on the amount I'm willing to risk / difference between the current price and the low.   So if the low of the day is 20 and the stock is 21 and the standard I'm willing to risk on each trade is $1000, I can buy 1000 shares.

I was wondering if there was any way to use the system so if I'm trading from the chart, it could figure out the # of shares programmatically, which would speed up my entry process.

I figure it's a stretch but thought I'd ask.



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I done paintbars for indicators and scans; have not tried hotkeys yet.

Best case scenario i can calculate # of shares by saying   {fixed amount}/(current price - TodaysLow) = # of shares

So if my fixed amount (risk) was $1000 , the low was 20, and the price was currently 21, it would calculate:   1000/(21-20) = 1000

If that can be programmed into a hotkey where i can click on it and say buy now at either market or current price + a few cents and it would populate the # of shares automatically; that would speed things up.

I have not looked at the trading system built into medvedtrader yet but would i also be able to put in a stop loss = low of day at the same time w/ same hotkey (or attach it to the original order) assuming my order gets filled?



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