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Slow Stochastic in scanner numbers don't make sense vs historic charts

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I had a question. Trying to scan for when Slow Stochastic breaks above 20 and is below 50. The scan works, but when I look at the historic charts the numbers are not right. This is using the default Slow Stochastic parameters. For example, if I setup a simple scan to flag any ticker that are under 50, I get all kinds of different results. Nothing consistent. This seems like a simple thing to do, I must be making a simple mistake, or the historic charts are not the same numbers that the scans use. Could someone help me out?

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easiest thing to do is to setup a historical chart with the same indicator/parameters. Add the paintbar to it - same one you use for the scan. Result should match. the scan would be looking at the rightmost bar on the chart.

NOTE: Historical charts by default will have the last candle built from intraday Open High, Low and LAST, as shown on the portfolio (NOT intraday charts).  Afterhours, sometimes that can be off a bit. If you turn off Realtime updates for historical charts, then the last candle will not be built that way.

If you still have an issue, can you post a picture of a chart and the scan you are using to show the problem?

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This is what I'm trying to do, but again when I look at historical it doesn't match Thanks!!


public void MainCalculation()
    if (SLOWST_Signal > 20)
    if (SymbolData.Volume24 > 50)
    if (SLOWST_Signal2 < 50)


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Well looking at the historical chart I wanted to flag SS when it goes over the 20% line, but be below the 50% line with 50% of the average volume. That's what I want to do. I tried to define it as 20% as a line or a signal. Neither seemed to work. IT seems like a simple thing compared to what others are trying to do, so I am sure I am making a bonehead mistake.

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When looking at the historical charts. Specifically the SS 14,7 indicator, it shows gradient lines at 20% 50% and 80%. I wanted to flag a ticker when it goes through that line (20%) , but is under the 50% line. Now the scan does flag stocks, but when I look at their historical charts (SS 14,7) they are all over the place some way over 80, some in range and some under 20, so I'm confused as to what data is what ie scan results vs historical charts.

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wendlefly: when you put the scan on the portfolio, do you specify "historical" in the scan? Is the frequency the same?

Note that the scan I gave above says "Any Parameters", which for scans means defaults. If you want specifically 14,7 - change it to that.

If after that it is still wrong, can you give an example of a symbol or two for which the scan I gave above triggers but when you go to historical chart it doesn't fit the criteria?


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Reading all the post here this is what I came up with.

You want:

SLOWST_Line  > 20 and < 50

SLOWST_Line and SLOWST_Signal higher than bar before current bar.

Volume_Bar > Volume_EMA and lets make the current bar higher than last bar.


Here is what I get running on 1 minute chart for testing.



Export of file that you can import to scanner.


This is done in Advance Editor.

I always start out in simple then move to advance.

If I'm off base here then it should be easy for you to make changes by using the Var Names.


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